module Refinery module Blog class PostsController < BlogController before_filter :find_all_blog_posts, :except => [:archive] before_filter :find_blog_post, :only => [:show, :comment, :update_nav] before_filter :find_tags respond_to :html, :js, :rss def index # Rss feeders are greedy. Let's give them every blog post instead of paginating. if request.format.rss? @posts =, :categories) #limit rss feed for services (like feedburner) who have max size @posts = Post.recent(params["max_results"]) if params["max_results"].present? end respond_with (@posts) do |format| format.html format.rss { render :layout => false } end end def show @comment = @canonical = refinery.url_for(:locale => Refinery::I18n.current_frontend_locale) if canonical? @post.increment!(:access_count, 1) respond_with (@post) do |format| format.html { present(@post) } format.js { render :partial => 'post', :layout => false } end end def comment if (@comment = @post.comments.create(params[:comment])).valid? if Comment::Moderation.enabled? or @comment.ham? begin CommentMailer.notification(@comment, request).deliver rescue logger.warn "There was an error delivering a blog comment notification.\n#{$!}\n" end end if Comment::Moderation.enabled? flash[:notice] = t('thank_you_moderated', :scope => '') redirect_to refinery.blog_post_url(params[:id]) else flash[:notice] = t('thank_you', :scope => '') redirect_to refinery.blog_post_url(params[:id], :anchor => "comment-#{@comment.to_param}") end else render :show end end def archive if params[:month].present? date = "#{params[:month]}/#{params[:year]}" archive_date = Time.parse(date) @date_title = ::I18n.l(archive_date, :format => '%B %Y') @posts =[:page]) else date = "01/#{params[:year]}" archive_date = Time.parse(date) @date_title = ::I18n.l(archive_date, :format => '%Y') @posts =[:page]) end respond_with (@posts) end def tagged @tag = ActsAsTaggableOn::Tag.find(params[:tag_id]) @tag_name = @posts =[:page]) end protected def canonical? Refinery::I18n.default_frontend_locale != Refinery::I18n.current_frontend_locale end end end end