[global.databases] # Change the database url for your setup main = { url = "postgres:///...." } [development] address = "localhost" port = 8000 workers = 2 keep_alive = 5 log = "normal" limits = { forms = 32768 } [staging] address = "" port = 8000 workers = 2 keep_alive = 5 log = "normal" # You have to generate a secret key, f.eks by `openssl rand -base64 32`. # Resetting this value will invalidate any cookies etc. secret_key = ... limits = { forms = 32768 } [production] address = "" port = 8000 keep_alive = 5 log = "critical" # You have to generate a secret key, f.eks by `openssl rand -base64 32`. # Resetting this value will invalidate any cookies etc. secret_key = ... limits = { forms = 32768 }