FRAMEWORKS = %w( activesupport activemodel activerecord actionview actionpack activejob actionmailer actioncable railties ) root = File.expand_path("../../", __FILE__) version ="#{root}/RAILS_VERSION").strip tag = "v#{version}" directory "pkg" (FRAMEWORKS + ["rails"]).each do |framework| namespace framework do gem = "pkg/#{framework}-#{version}.gem" gemspec = "#{framework}.gemspec" task :clean do rm_f gem end task :update_versions do glob = root.dup if framework == "rails" glob << "/version.rb" else glob << "/#{framework}/lib/*" glob << "/gem_version.rb" end file = Dir[glob].first ruby = major, minor, tiny, pre = version.split(".", 4) pre = pre ? pre.inspect : "nil" ruby.gsub!(/^(\s*)MAJOR(\s*)= .*?$/, "\\1MAJOR = #{major}") raise "Could not insert MAJOR in #{file}" unless $1 ruby.gsub!(/^(\s*)MINOR(\s*)= .*?$/, "\\1MINOR = #{minor}") raise "Could not insert MINOR in #{file}" unless $1 ruby.gsub!(/^(\s*)TINY(\s*)= .*?$/, "\\1TINY = #{tiny}") raise "Could not insert TINY in #{file}" unless $1 ruby.gsub!(/^(\s*)PRE(\s*)= .*?$/, "\\1PRE = #{pre}") raise "Could not insert PRE in #{file}" unless $1, "w") { |f| f.write ruby } end task gem => %w(update_versions pkg) do cmd = "" cmd << "cd #{framework} && " unless framework == "rails" cmd << "bundle exec rake package && " unless framework == "rails" cmd << "gem build #{gemspec} && mv #{framework}-#{version}.gem #{root}/pkg/" sh cmd end task build: [:clean, gem] task install: :build do sh "gem install --pre #{gem}" end task push: :build do sh "gem push #{gem}" # When running the release task we usually run build first to check that the gem works properly. # NPM will refuse to publish or rebuild the gem if the version is changed when the Rails gem # versions are changed. This then causes the gem push to fail. Because of this we need to update # the version and publish at the same time. if File.exist?("#{framework}/package.json") Dir.chdir("#{framework}") do # This "npm-ifies" the current version # With npm, versions such as "5.0.0.rc1" or "5.0.0.beta1.1" are not compliant with its # versioning system, so they must be transformed to "5.0.0-rc1" and "5.0.0-beta1-1" respectively. # In essence, the code below runs through all "."s that appear in the version, # and checks to see if their index in the version string is greater than or equal to 2, # and if so, it will change the "." to a "-". # Sample version transformations: # irb(main):001:0> version = "" # => "" # irb(main):002:0> version.gsub(/\./).with_index { |s, i| i >= 2 ? '-' : s } # => "5.0.1-1" # irb(main):003:0> version = "5.0.0.rc1" # => "5.0.0.rc1" # irb(main):004:0> version.gsub(/\./).with_index { |s, i| i >= 2 ? '-' : s } # => "5.0.0-rc1" npm_version = version.gsub(/\./).with_index { |s, i| i >= 2 ? "-" : s } # Check if npm is installed, and raise an error if not if sh "which npm" sh "npm version #{npm_version} --no-git-tag-version" sh "npm publish" else raise "You must have npm installed to release Rails." end end end end end end namespace :changelog do task :header do (FRAMEWORKS + ["guides"]).each do |fw| require "date" fname = File.join fw, "" header = "## Rails #{version} (#{'%B %d, %Y')}) ##\n\n* No changes.\n\n\n" contents = header +, "wb") { |f| f.write contents } end end task :release_date do (FRAMEWORKS + ["guides"]).each do |fw| require "date" replace = "## Rails #{version} (#{'%B %d, %Y')}) ##\n" fname = File.join fw, "" contents =^(## Rails .*)\n/, replace), "wb") { |f| f.write contents } end end task :release_summary do (FRAMEWORKS + ["guides"]).each do |fw| puts "## #{fw}" fname = File.join fw, "" contents = File.readlines fname contents.shift changes = [] changes << contents.shift until contents.first =~ /^\*Rails \d+\.\d+\.\d+/ puts changes.reject { |change| change.strip.empty? }.join puts end end end namespace :all do task build: { |f| "#{f}:build" } + ["rails:build"] task update_versions: { |f| "#{f}:update_versions" } + ["rails:update_versions"] task install: { |f| "#{f}:install" } + ["rails:install"] task push: { |f| "#{f}:push" } + ["rails:push"] task :ensure_clean_state do unless `git status -s | grep -v 'RAILS_VERSION\\|CHANGELOG\\|Gemfile.lock'`.strip.empty? abort "[ABORTING] `git status` reports a dirty tree. Make sure all changes are committed" end unless ENV["SKIP_TAG"] || `git tag | grep '^#{tag}$'`.strip.empty? abort "[ABORTING] `git tag` shows that #{tag} already exists. Has this version already\n"\ " been released? Git tagging can be skipped by setting SKIP_TAG=1" end end task :bundle do sh "bundle check" end task :commit do"pkg/commit_message.txt", "w") do |f| f.puts "# Preparing for #{version} release\n" f.puts f.puts "# UNCOMMENT THE LINE ABOVE TO APPROVE THIS COMMIT" end sh "git add . && git commit --verbose --template=pkg/commit_message.txt" rm_f "pkg/commit_message.txt" end task :tag do sh "git tag -s -m '#{tag} release' #{tag}" sh "git push --tags" end task prep_release: %w(ensure_clean_state build) task release: %w(ensure_clean_state build bundle commit tag push) end