require 'spec_helper' require 'bigdecimal' module Arel describe "Attributes::Float" do before :all do @relation = do |r| r.engine r.attribute :percentage, Attributes::Float end end def type_cast(val) @relation[:percentage].type_cast(val) end describe "#type_cast" do it "returns same value if an float" do type_cast(24.01).should eql(24.01) end it "returns nil if passed nil" do type_cast(nil).should be_nil end it "returns nil if passed empty string" do type_cast('').should be_nil end it "returns float representation of a zero string float" do type_cast('0').should eql(0.0) end it "returns float representation of a positive string integer" do type_cast('24').should eql(24.0) end it "returns float representation of a positive string integer with spaces" do type_cast(' 24').should eql(24.0) type_cast('24 ').should eql(24.0) end it "returns float representation of a negative string float" do type_cast('-24.23').should eql(-24.23) end it "returns float representation of a negative string integer with spaces" do type_cast('-24 ').should eql(-24.0) type_cast(' -24').should eql(-24.0) end it "returns integer representation of a zero string float" do type_cast('0.0').should eql(0.0) end it "returns integer representation of a positive string float" do type_cast('24.35').should eql(24.35) end it "returns integer representation of a positive string float with spaces" do type_cast(' 24.35').should eql(24.35) type_cast('24.35 ').should eql(24.35) end it "returns integer representation of a negative string float" do type_cast('-24.35').should eql(-24.35) end it "returns integer representation of a negative string float with spaces" do type_cast(' -24.35 ').should eql(-24.35) end it "returns integer representation of a zero string float, with no leading digits" do type_cast('.0').should eql(0.0) end it "returns integer representation of a zero string float, with no leading digits with spaces" do type_cast(' .0').should eql(0.0) end it "returns integer representation of a positive string float, with no leading digits" do type_cast('.41').should eql(0.41) end it "returns integer representation of a zero float" do type_cast(0.0).should eql(0.0) end it "returns integer representation of a positive float" do type_cast(24.35).should eql(24.35) end it "returns integer representation of a negative float" do type_cast(-24.35).should eql(-24.35) end it "returns integer representation of a zero decimal" do type_cast(BigDecimal('0.0')).should eql(0.0) end it "returns integer representation of a positive decimal" do type_cast(BigDecimal('24.35')).should eql(24.35) end it "returns integer representation of a negative decimal" do type_cast(BigDecimal('-24.35')).should eql(-24.35) end [, true, '00.0', '0.', 'string' ].each do |value| it "raises exception when attempting type_cast of non-numeric value #{value.inspect}" do lambda do type_cast(value) end.should raise_error(TypecastError, /could not typecast/) end end end end end