require File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '..', '..', '..', 'spec_helper') module Arel describe Join do before do @relation1 = Arel(:users) @relation2 = Arel(:photos) @predicate = @relation1[:id].eq(@relation2[:user_id]) end describe 'when joining aggregated relations' do before do @aggregation = @relation2 \ .group(@relation2[:user_id]) \ .project(@relation2[:user_id], @relation2[:id] \ end describe '#to_sql' do it '' do @relation1.join(@relation2.take(3)).on(@predicate).to_sql.should be_like(" SELECT `users`.`id`, `users`.`name`, `photos_external`.`id`, `photos_external`.`user_id`, `photos_external`.`camera_id` FROM `users` INNER JOIN (SELECT `photos`.`id`, `photos`.`user_id`, `photos`.`camera_id` FROM `photos` LIMIT 3) AS `photos_external` ON `users`.`id` = `photos_external`.`user_id` ") end describe 'with the aggregation on the right' do it 'manufactures sql joining the left table to a derived table' do @relation1.join(@aggregation).on(@predicate).to_sql.should be_like(" SELECT `users`.`id`, `users`.`name`, `photos_external`.`user_id`, `photos_external`.`cnt` FROM `users` INNER JOIN (SELECT `photos`.`user_id`, COUNT(`photos`.`id`) AS `cnt` FROM `photos` GROUP BY `photos`.`user_id`) AS `photos_external` ON `users`.`id` = `photos_external`.`user_id` ") end end describe 'with the aggregation on the left' do it 'manufactures sql joining the right table to a derived table' do @aggregation.join(@relation1).on(@predicate).to_sql.should be_like(" SELECT `photos_external`.`user_id`, `photos_external`.`cnt`, `users`.`id`, `users`.`name` FROM (SELECT `photos`.`user_id`, COUNT(`photos`.`id`) AS `cnt` FROM `photos` GROUP BY `photos`.`user_id`) AS `photos_external` INNER JOIN `users` ON `users`.`id` = `photos_external`.`user_id` ") end end describe 'with the aggregation on both sides' do it 'it properly aliases the aggregations' do aggregation2 = @aggregation.alias @aggregation.join(aggregation2).on(aggregation2[:user_id].eq(@aggregation[:user_id])).to_sql.should be_like(" SELECT `photos_external`.`user_id`, `photos_external`.`cnt`, `photos_external_2`.`user_id`, `photos_external_2`.`cnt` FROM (SELECT `photos`.`user_id`, COUNT(`photos`.`id`) AS `cnt` FROM `photos` GROUP BY `photos`.`user_id`) AS `photos_external` INNER JOIN (SELECT `photos`.`user_id`, COUNT(`photos`.`id`) AS `cnt` FROM `photos` GROUP BY `photos`.`user_id`) AS `photos_external_2` ON `photos_external_2`.`user_id` = `photos_external`.`user_id` ") end end describe 'when the aggration has a where' do describe 'with the aggregation on the left' do it "manufactures sql keeping wheres on the aggregation within the derived table" do @relation1.join(@aggregation.where(@aggregation[:user_id].eq(1))).on(@predicate).to_sql.should be_like(" SELECT `users`.`id`, `users`.`name`, `photos_external`.`user_id`, `photos_external`.`cnt` FROM `users` INNER JOIN (SELECT `photos`.`user_id`, COUNT(`photos`.`id`) AS `cnt` FROM `photos` WHERE `photos`.`user_id` = 1 GROUP BY `photos`.`user_id`) AS `photos_external` ON `users`.`id` = `photos_external`.`user_id` ") end end describe 'with the aggregation on the right' do it "manufactures sql keeping wheres on the aggregation within the derived table" do @aggregation.where(@aggregation[:user_id].eq(1)).join(@relation1).on(@predicate).to_sql.should be_like(" SELECT `photos_external`.`user_id`, `photos_external`.`cnt`, `users`.`id`, `users`.`name` FROM (SELECT `photos`.`user_id`, COUNT(`photos`.`id`) AS `cnt` FROM `photos` WHERE `photos`.`user_id` = 1 GROUP BY `photos`.`user_id`) AS `photos_external` INNER JOIN `users` ON `users`.`id` = `photos_external`.`user_id` ") end end end end end end end