require File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '..', '..', '..', '..', '..', 'spec_helper') module Arel describe Array do before do @relation =[ [1, 'duck' ], [2, 'duck' ], [3, 'goose'] ], [:id, :name]) end describe '#attributes' do it 'manufactures attributes corresponding to the names given on construction' do @relation.attributes.should == [, :id),, :name) ] end end describe '#call' do it "manufactures an array of hashes of attributes to values" do == [ { @relation[:id] => 1, @relation[:name] => 'duck' }, { @relation[:id] => 2, @relation[:name] => 'duck' }, { @relation[:id] => 3, @relation[:name] => 'goose' } ] end describe 'where' do it 'filters the relation with the provided predicate' do @relation.where(@relation[:id].lt(3)).call.should == [ { @relation[:id] => 1, @relation[:name] => 'duck' }, { @relation[:id] => 2, @relation[:name] => 'duck' } ] end end describe 'group' do it 'sorts the relation with the provided ordering' do end end describe 'order' do it 'sorts the relation with the provided ordering' do @relation.order(@relation[:id].desc).call.should == [ { @relation[:id] => 3, @relation[:name] => 'goose' }, { @relation[:id] => 2, @relation[:name] => 'duck' }, { @relation[:id] => 1, @relation[:name] => 'duck' } ] end end describe 'project' do it 'projects' do @relation.project(@relation[:id]).call.should == [ { @relation[:id] => 1 }, { @relation[:id] => 2 }, { @relation[:id] => 3 } ] end end describe 'skip' do it 'slices' do @relation.skip(1).call.should == [ { @relation[:id] => 2, @relation[:name] => 'duck' }, { @relation[:id] => 3, @relation[:name] => 'goose' } ] end end describe 'take' do it 'dices' do @relation.take(2).call.should == [ { @relation[:id] => 1, @relation[:name] => 'duck' }, { @relation[:id] => 2, @relation[:name] => 'duck' } ] end end describe 'join' do end end end end