# frozen_string_literal: true require "abstract_unit" require "rails/test_unit/reporter" require "minitest/mock" class TestUnitReporterTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase class ExampleTest < Minitest::Test def woot; end end setup do @output = StringIO.new @reporter = Rails::TestUnitReporter.new @output, output_inline: true end test "prints rerun snippet to run a single failed test" do @reporter.record(failed_test) @reporter.report assert_match %r{^rails test .*test/test_unit/reporter_test\.rb:\d+$}, @output.string assert_rerun_snippet_count 1 end test "prints rerun snippet for every failed test" do @reporter.record(failed_test) @reporter.record(failed_test) @reporter.record(failed_test) @reporter.report assert_rerun_snippet_count 3 end test "does not print snippet for successful and skipped tests" do @reporter.record(passing_test) @reporter.record(skipped_test) @reporter.report assert_no_match "Failed tests:", @output.string assert_rerun_snippet_count 0 end test "prints rerun snippet for skipped tests if run in verbose mode" do verbose = Rails::TestUnitReporter.new @output, verbose: true verbose.record(skipped_test) verbose.report assert_rerun_snippet_count 1 end test "allows to customize the executable in the rerun snippet" do original_executable = Rails::TestUnitReporter.executable begin Rails::TestUnitReporter.executable = "bin/test" @reporter.record(failed_test) @reporter.report assert_match %r{^bin/test .*test/test_unit/reporter_test\.rb:\d+$}, @output.string ensure Rails::TestUnitReporter.executable = original_executable end end test "outputs failures inline" do @reporter.record(failed_test) @reporter.report expect = %r{\AF\n\nFailure:\nTestUnitReporterTest::ExampleTest#woot \[[^\]]+\]:\nboo\n\nrails test test/test_unit/reporter_test\.rb:\d+\n\n\z} assert_match expect, @output.string end test "outputs errors inline" do @reporter.record(errored_test) @reporter.report expect = %r{\AE\n\nError:\nTestUnitReporterTest::ExampleTest#woot:\nArgumentError: wups\n \n\nrails test .*test/test_unit/reporter_test\.rb:\d+\n\n\z} assert_match expect, @output.string end test "outputs skipped tests inline if verbose" do verbose = Rails::TestUnitReporter.new @output, verbose: true, output_inline: true verbose.record(skipped_test) verbose.report expect = %r{\ATestUnitReporterTest::ExampleTest#woot = 10\.00 s = S\n\n\nSkipped:\nTestUnitReporterTest::ExampleTest#woot \[[^\]]+\]:\nskipchurches, misstemples\n\nrails test test/test_unit/reporter_test\.rb:\d+\n\n\z} assert_match expect, @output.string end test "does not output rerun snippets after run" do @reporter.record(failed_test) @reporter.report assert_no_match "Failed tests:", @output.string end test "fail fast interrupts run on failure" do fail_fast = Rails::TestUnitReporter.new @output, fail_fast: true interrupt_raised = false # Minitest passes through Interrupt, catch it manually. begin fail_fast.record(failed_test) rescue Interrupt interrupt_raised = true ensure assert interrupt_raised, "Expected Interrupt to be raised." end end test "fail fast interrupts run on error" do fail_fast = Rails::TestUnitReporter.new @output, fail_fast: true interrupt_raised = false # Minitest passes through Interrupt, catch it manually. begin fail_fast.record(errored_test) rescue Interrupt interrupt_raised = true ensure assert interrupt_raised, "Expected Interrupt to be raised." end end test "fail fast does not interrupt run skips" do fail_fast = Rails::TestUnitReporter.new @output, fail_fast: true fail_fast.record(skipped_test) assert_no_match "Failed tests:", @output.string end test "outputs colored passing results" do @output.stub(:tty?, true) do colored = Rails::TestUnitReporter.new @output, color: true, output_inline: true colored.record(passing_test) expect = %r{\e\[32m\.\e\[0m} assert_match expect, @output.string end end test "outputs colored skipped results" do @output.stub(:tty?, true) do colored = Rails::TestUnitReporter.new @output, color: true, output_inline: true colored.record(skipped_test) expect = %r{\e\[33mS\e\[0m} assert_match expect, @output.string end end test "outputs colored failed results" do @output.stub(:tty?, true) do colored = Rails::TestUnitReporter.new @output, color: true, output_inline: true colored.record(errored_test) expected = %r{\e\[31mE\e\[0m\n\n\e\[31mError:\nTestUnitReporterTest::ExampleTest#woot:\nArgumentError: wups\n \n\e\[0m} assert_match expected, @output.string end end private def assert_rerun_snippet_count(snippet_count) assert_equal snippet_count, @output.string.scan(%r{^rails test }).size end def failed_test ft = Minitest::Result.from(ExampleTest.new(:woot)) ft.failures << begin raise Minitest::Assertion, "boo" rescue Minitest::Assertion => e e end ft end def errored_test error = ArgumentError.new("wups") error.set_backtrace([ "some_test.rb:4" ]) et = Minitest::Result.from(ExampleTest.new(:woot)) et.failures << Minitest::UnexpectedError.new(error) et end def passing_test Minitest::Result.from(ExampleTest.new(:woot)) end def skipped_test st = Minitest::Result.from(ExampleTest.new(:woot)) st.failures << begin raise Minitest::Skip, "skipchurches, misstemples" rescue Minitest::Assertion => e e end st.time = 10 st end end