require 'isolation/abstract_unit' module ApplicationTests class ApplicationRoutingTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase require 'rack/test' include Rack::Test::Methods include ActiveSupport::Testing::Isolation def setup build_app add_to_config("config.action_dispatch.show_exceptions = false") @simple_plugin = engine "weblog" @plugin = engine "blog" @metrics_plugin = engine "metrics" app_file 'config/routes.rb', <<-RUBY AppTemplate::Application.routes.draw do mount Weblog::Engine, :at => '/', :as => 'weblog' resources :posts get "/engine_route" => "application_generating#engine_route" get "/engine_route_in_view" => "application_generating#engine_route_in_view" get "/weblog_engine_route" => "application_generating#weblog_engine_route" get "/weblog_engine_route_in_view" => "application_generating#weblog_engine_route_in_view" get "/url_for_engine_route" => "application_generating#url_for_engine_route" get "/polymorphic_route" => "application_generating#polymorphic_route" get "/application_polymorphic_path" => "application_generating#application_polymorphic_path" scope "/:user", :user => "anonymous" do mount Blog::Engine => "/blog" end mount Metrics::Engine => "/metrics" root :to => 'main#index' end RUBY @simple_plugin.write "lib/weblog.rb", <<-RUBY module Weblog class Engine < ::Rails::Engine end end RUBY @simple_plugin.write "config/routes.rb", <<-RUBY Weblog::Engine.routes.draw do get '/weblog' => "weblogs#index", as: 'weblogs' end RUBY @simple_plugin.write "app/controllers/weblogs_controller.rb", <<-RUBY class WeblogsController < ActionController::Base def index render text: request.url end end RUBY @metrics_plugin.write "lib/metrics.rb", <<-RUBY module Metrics class Engine < ::Rails::Engine isolate_namespace(Metrics) end end RUBY @metrics_plugin.write "config/routes.rb", <<-RUBY Metrics::Engine.routes.draw do get '/generate_blog_route', to: 'generating#generate_blog_route' get '/generate_blog_route_in_view', to: 'generating#generate_blog_route_in_view' end RUBY @metrics_plugin.write "app/controllers/metrics/generating_controller.rb", <<-RUBY module Metrics class GeneratingController < ActionController::Base def generate_blog_route render text: blog.post_path(1) end def generate_blog_route_in_view render inline: "<%= blog.post_path(1) -%>" end end end RUBY @plugin.write "app/models/blog/post.rb", <<-RUBY module Blog class Post extend ActiveModel::Naming def id 44 end def to_param id.to_s end def new_record? false end end end RUBY @plugin.write "lib/blog.rb", <<-RUBY module Blog class Engine < ::Rails::Engine isolate_namespace(Blog) end end RUBY @plugin.write "config/routes.rb", <<-RUBY Blog::Engine.routes.draw do resources :posts get '/generate_application_route', to: 'posts#generate_application_route' get '/application_route_in_view', to: 'posts#application_route_in_view' get '/engine_polymorphic_path', to: 'posts#engine_polymorphic_path' get '/engine_asset_path', to: 'posts#engine_asset_path' end RUBY @plugin.write "app/controllers/blog/posts_controller.rb", <<-RUBY module Blog class PostsController < ActionController::Base def index render text: blog.post_path(1) end def generate_application_route path = main_app.url_for(controller: "/main", action: "index", only_path: true) render text: path end def application_route_in_view render inline: "<%= main_app.root_path %>" end def engine_polymorphic_path render text: polymorphic_path( end def engine_asset_path render inline: "<%= asset_path 'images/foo.png' %>" end end end RUBY app_file "app/controllers/application_generating_controller.rb", <<-RUBY class ApplicationGeneratingController < ActionController::Base def engine_route render text: blog.posts_path end def engine_route_in_view render inline: "<%= blog.posts_path %>" end def weblog_engine_route render text: weblog.weblogs_path end def weblog_engine_route_in_view render inline: "<%= weblog.weblogs_path %>" end def url_for_engine_route render text: blog.url_for(controller: "blog/posts", action: "index", user: "john", only_path: true) end def polymorphic_route render text: polymorphic_url([blog,]) end def application_polymorphic_path render text: polymorphic_path( end end RUBY boot_rails end def teardown teardown_app end def app @app ||= begin require "#{app_path}/config/environment" Rails.application end end test "routes generation in engine and application" do # test generating engine's route from engine get "/john/blog/posts" assert_equal "/john/blog/posts/1", last_response.body # test generating engine's route from engine with default_url_options get "/john/blog/posts", {}, 'SCRIPT_NAME' => "/foo" assert_equal "/foo/john/blog/posts/1", last_response.body # test generating engine's route from application get "/engine_route" assert_equal "/anonymous/blog/posts", last_response.body get "/engine_route_in_view" assert_equal "/anonymous/blog/posts", last_response.body get "/url_for_engine_route" assert_equal "/john/blog/posts", last_response.body # test generating engine's route from application with default_url_options get "/engine_route", {}, 'SCRIPT_NAME' => "/foo" assert_equal "/foo/anonymous/blog/posts", last_response.body get "/url_for_engine_route", {}, 'SCRIPT_NAME' => "/foo" assert_equal "/foo/john/blog/posts", last_response.body # test generating application's route from engine get "/someone/blog/generate_application_route" assert_equal "/", last_response.body get "/somone/blog/application_route_in_view" assert_equal "/", last_response.body # test generating engine's route from other engine get "/metrics/generate_blog_route" assert_equal '/anonymous/blog/posts/1', last_response.body get "/metrics/generate_blog_route_in_view" assert_equal '/anonymous/blog/posts/1', last_response.body # test generating engine's route from other engine with default_url_options get "/metrics/generate_blog_route", {}, 'SCRIPT_NAME' => '/foo' assert_equal '/foo/anonymous/blog/posts/1', last_response.body get "/metrics/generate_blog_route_in_view", {}, 'SCRIPT_NAME' => '/foo' assert_equal '/foo/anonymous/blog/posts/1', last_response.body # test generating application's route from engine with default_url_options get "/someone/blog/generate_application_route", {}, 'SCRIPT_NAME' => '/foo' assert_equal "/foo/", last_response.body # test polymorphic routes get "/polymorphic_route" assert_equal "", last_response.body # test that correct path is generated for the same polymorphic_path call in an engine get "/somone/blog/engine_polymorphic_path" assert_equal "/somone/blog/posts/44", last_response.body # and in an application get "/application_polymorphic_path" assert_equal "/posts/44", last_response.body # test that asset path will not get script_name when generated in the engine get "/someone/blog/engine_asset_path" assert_equal "/images/foo.png", last_response.body end test "route path for controller action when engine is mounted at root" do get "/weblog_engine_route" assert_equal "/weblog", last_response.body get "/weblog_engine_route_in_view" assert_equal "/weblog", last_response.body end end end