require 'test/unit' # Optionally load RubyGems. begin require 'rubygems' rescue LoadError end # Mock out what we need from AR::Base. module ActiveRecord class Base class << self attr_accessor :pluralize_table_names end self.pluralize_table_names = true end end # And what we need from ActionView module ActionView module Helpers module ActiveRecordHelper; end class InstanceTag; end end end # Must set before requiring generator libs. if defined?(RAILS_ROOT) RAILS_ROOT.replace "#{File.dirname(__FILE__)}/fixtures" else RAILS_ROOT = "#{File.dirname(__FILE__)}/fixtures" end $LOAD_PATH.unshift "#{File.dirname(__FILE__)}/../lib" require 'initializer' # Mocks out the configuration module Rails def self.configuration end end require 'rails_generator' #class RailsGeneratorTest < Test::Unit::TestCase # BUILTINS = %w(controller integration_test mailer migration model observer plugin resource scaffold session_migration) # CAPITALIZED_BUILTINS = { |b| b.capitalize } # def setup # ActiveRecord::Base.pluralize_table_names = true # @initializer = Rails::Initializer.default # @initializer.config = Rails.configuration # # end # def test_sources # expected = [:lib, :vendor, # "plugins (vendor/plugins)".to_sym, # /generators and /rails_generators # :user, # :RubyGems, :RubyGems, # gems named _generator, gems containing /rails_generator/ folder # :builtin] # expected.delete(:RubyGems) unless Object.const_defined?(:Gem) # assert_equal expected, { |s| s.label } # end # def test_lookup_builtins # (BUILTINS + CAPITALIZED_BUILTINS).each do |name| # assert_nothing_raised do # spec = Rails::Generator::Base.lookup(name) # assert_not_nil spec # assert_kind_of Rails::Generator::Spec, spec # klass = spec.klass # assert klass < Rails::Generator::Base # assert_equal spec, klass.spec # end # end # end # def test_autolookup # assert_nothing_raised { ControllerGenerator } # assert_nothing_raised { ModelGenerator } # end # def test_lookup_missing_generator # assert_raise Rails::Generator::GeneratorError do # Rails::Generator::Base.lookup('missing').klass # end # end # def test_lookup_missing_class # spec = nil # assert_nothing_raised { spec = Rails::Generator::Base.lookup('missing_class') } # assert_not_nil spec # assert_kind_of Rails::Generator::Spec, spec # assert_raise(NameError) { spec.klass } # end # def test_generator_usage # (BUILTINS - ["session_migration"]).each do |name| # assert_raise(Rails::Generator::UsageError, "Generator '#{name}' should raise an error without arguments") { # Rails::Generator::Base.instance(name) # } # end # end # def test_generator_spec # spec = Rails::Generator::Base.lookup('working') # assert_equal 'working', # assert_match(/#{spec.path}$/, "#{RAILS_ROOT}/lib/generators/working") # assert_equal :lib, spec.source # assert_nothing_raised { assert_match(/WorkingGenerator$/, } # end #end