require 'abstract_unit' require 'rails/paths' class PathsTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase def setup File.stubs(:exists?).returns(true) @root ="/foo/bar") end test "the paths object is initialized with the root path" do root ="/fiz/baz") assert_equal "/fiz/baz", root.path end test "the paths object can be initialized with nil" do assert_nothing_raised do end end test "a paths object initialized with nil can be updated" do root = = "app" root.path = "/root" assert_equal ["/root/app"], end test "creating a root level path" do = "/foo/bar" assert_equal ["/foo/bar"], end test "raises exception if root path never set" do root = = "app" assert_raises RuntimeError do end end test "creating a root level path without assignment" do "/foo/bar" assert_equal ["/foo/bar"], end test "trying to access a path that does not exist raises NoMethodError" do assert_raises(NoMethodError) { } end test "relative paths are relative to the paths root" do = "app" assert_equal ["/foo/bar/app"], end test "relative paths are relative to the paths root without assignment" do "app" assert_equal ["/foo/bar/app"], end test "creating a child level path" do = "/foo/bar" = "/foo/bar/baz" assert_equal ["/foo/bar/baz"], end test "creating a child level path without assignment" do = "/foo/bar" "/foo/bar/baz" assert_equal ["/foo/bar/baz"], end test "child level paths are relative from the root" do = "/app" = "baz" assert_equal ["/foo/bar/baz"], end test "adding multiple physical paths as an array" do = ["/app", "/app2"] assert_equal ["/app", "/app2"], end test "adding multiple physical paths as an array without assignment" do "/app", "/app2" assert_equal ["/app", "/app2"], end test "adding multiple physical paths using #push" do = "/app" "/app2" assert_equal ["/app", "/app2"], end test "adding multiple physical paths using <<" do = "/app" << "/app2" assert_equal ["/app", "/app2"], end test "adding multiple physical paths using concat" do = "/app" ["/app2", "/app3"] assert_equal ["/app", "/app2", "/app3"], end test "adding multiple physical paths using #unshift" do = "/app" "/app2" assert_equal ["/app2", "/app"], end test "the root can only have one physical path" do assert_raise(RuntimeError) {["/fiz", "/biz"]) } assert_raise(RuntimeError) { @root.push "/biz" } assert_raise(RuntimeError) { @root.unshift "/biz" } assert_raise(RuntimeError) { @root.concat ["/biz"]} assert_raise(RuntimeError) { @root << "/biz" } end test "it is possible to add a path that should be loaded only once" do = "/app"! assert assert @root.load_once.include?( end test "it is possible to add a path without assignment and specify it should be loaded only once" do "/app", :load_once => true assert assert @root.load_once.include?("/app") end test "it is possible to add multiple paths without assignment and specify it should be loaded only once" do "/app", "/app2", :load_once => true assert assert @root.load_once.include?("/app") assert @root.load_once.include?("/app2") end test "making a path load_once more than once only includes it once in @root.load_once" do = "/app"!! assert_equal 1, {|p| p == }.size end test "paths added to a load_once path should be added to the load_once collection" do = "/app"! << "/app2" assert_equal 2, @root.load_once.size end test "it is possible to mark a path as eager" do = "/app"! assert assert @root.eager_load.include?( end test "it is possible to add a path without assignment and mark it as eager" do "/app", :eager_load => true assert assert @root.eager_load.include?("/app") end test "it is possible to add multiple paths without assignment and mark them as eager" do "/app", "/app2", :eager_load => true assert assert @root.eager_load.include?("/app") assert @root.eager_load.include?("/app2") end test "it is possible to create a path without assignment and mark it both as eager and load once" do "/app", :eager_load => true, :load_once => true assert assert assert @root.eager_load.include?("/app") assert @root.load_once.include?("/app") end test "making a path eager more than once only includes it once in @root.eager_paths" do = "/app"!! assert_equal 1, {|p| p == }.size end test "paths added to a eager_load path should be added to the eager_load collection" do = "/app"! << "/app2" assert_equal 2, @root.eager_load.size end test "it should be possible to add a path's default glob" do = "/app" = "*.rb" assert_equal "*.rb", end test "it should be possible to override a path's default glob without assignment" do "/app", :glob => "*.rb" assert_equal "*.rb", end test "a path can be added to the load path" do = "app"! = "app/models" assert_equal ["/foo/bar/app"], @root.load_paths end test "a path can be added to the load path on creation" do "/app", :load_path => true assert assert_equal ["/app"], @root.load_paths end test "adding a path to the eager paths also adds it to the load path" do = "app"! assert_equal ["/foo/bar/app"], @root.load_paths end test "adding a path to the load once paths also adds it to the load path" do = "app"! assert_equal ["/foo/bar/app"], @root.load_paths end end