# frozen_string_literal: true # Note: # It is important to keep this file as light as possible # the goal for tests that require this is to test booting up # Rails from an empty state, so anything added here could # hide potential failures # # It is also good to know what is the bare minimum to get # Rails booted up. require "fileutils" require "bundler/setup" unless defined?(Bundler) require "active_support" require "active_support/testing/autorun" require "active_support/testing/stream" require "active_support/testing/method_call_assertions" require "active_support/test_case" require "minitest/retry" Minitest::Retry.use!(verbose: false, retry_count: 1) RAILS_FRAMEWORK_ROOT = File.expand_path("../../..", __dir__) # These files do not require any others and are needed # to run the tests require "active_support/core_ext/object/blank" require "active_support/testing/isolation" require "active_support/core_ext/kernel/reporting" require "tmpdir" require "rails/secrets" module TestHelpers module Paths def app_template_path File.join RAILS_FRAMEWORK_ROOT, "tmp/templates/app_template" end def tmp_path(*args) @tmp_path ||= File.realpath(Dir.mktmpdir(nil, File.join(RAILS_FRAMEWORK_ROOT, "tmp"))) File.join(@tmp_path, *args) end def app_path(*args) path = tmp_path(*%w[app] + args) if block_given? yield path else path end end def framework_path RAILS_FRAMEWORK_ROOT end def rails_root app_path end end module Rack def app(env = "production") old_env = ENV["RAILS_ENV"] @app ||= begin ENV["RAILS_ENV"] = env require "#{app_path}/config/environment" Rails.application end ensure ENV["RAILS_ENV"] = old_env end def extract_body(response) (+"").tap do |body| response[2].each { |chunk| body << chunk } end end def get(path) @app.call(::Rack::MockRequest.env_for(path)) end def assert_welcome(resp) resp = Array(resp) assert_equal 200, resp[0] assert_match "text/html", resp[1]["Content-Type"] assert_match "charset=utf-8", resp[1]["Content-Type"] assert extract_body(resp).match(/Yay! You.*re on Rails!/) end end module Generation # Build an application by invoking the generator and going through the whole stack. def build_app(options = {}) @prev_rails_env = ENV["RAILS_ENV"] ENV["RAILS_ENV"] = "development" FileUtils.rm_rf(app_path) FileUtils.cp_r(app_template_path, app_path) # Delete the initializers unless requested unless options[:initializers] Dir["#{app_path}/config/initializers/**/*.rb"].each do |initializer| File.delete(initializer) end end routes = File.read("#{app_path}/config/routes.rb") if routes =~ /(\n\s*end\s*)\z/ File.open("#{app_path}/config/routes.rb", "w") do |f| f.puts $` + "\nActiveSupport::Deprecation.silence { match ':controller(/:action(/:id))(.:format)', via: :all }\n" + $1 end end if options[:multi_db] File.open("#{app_path}/config/database.yml", "w") do |f| f.puts <<-YAML default: &default adapter: sqlite3 pool: 5 timeout: 5000 development: primary: <<: *default database: db/development.sqlite3 primary_readonly: <<: *default database: db/development.sqlite3 replica: true animals: <<: *default database: db/development_animals.sqlite3 migrations_paths: db/animals_migrate animals_readonly: <<: *default database: db/development_animals.sqlite3 migrations_paths: db/animals_migrate replica: true test: primary: <<: *default database: db/test.sqlite3 primary_readonly: <<: *default database: db/test.sqlite3 replica: true animals: <<: *default database: db/test_animals.sqlite3 migrations_paths: db/animals_migrate animals_readonly: <<: *default database: db/test_animals.sqlite3 migrations_paths: db/animals_migrate replica: true production: primary: <<: *default database: db/production.sqlite3 primary_readonly: <<: *default database: db/production.sqlite3 replica: true animals: <<: *default database: db/production_animals.sqlite3 migrations_paths: db/animals_migrate animals_readonly: <<: *default database: db/production_animals.sqlite3 migrations_paths: db/animals_migrate readonly: true YAML end else File.open("#{app_path}/config/database.yml", "w") do |f| f.puts <<-YAML default: &default adapter: sqlite3 pool: 5 timeout: 5000 development: <<: *default database: db/development.sqlite3 test: <<: *default database: db/test.sqlite3 production: <<: *default database: db/production.sqlite3 YAML end end add_to_config <<-RUBY config.hosts << proc { true } config.eager_load = false config.session_store :cookie_store, key: "_myapp_session" config.active_support.deprecation = :log config.action_controller.allow_forgery_protection = false config.log_level = :info RUBY end def teardown_app ENV["RAILS_ENV"] = @prev_rails_env if @prev_rails_env FileUtils.rm_rf(tmp_path) end # Make a very basic app, without creating the whole directory structure. # This is faster and simpler than the method above. def make_basic_app require "rails" require "action_controller/railtie" require "action_view/railtie" @app = Class.new(Rails::Application) do def self.name; "RailtiesTestApp"; end end @app.config.hosts << proc { true } @app.config.eager_load = false @app.config.session_store :cookie_store, key: "_myapp_session" @app.config.active_support.deprecation = :log @app.config.log_level = :info @app.secrets.secret_key_base = "b3c631c314c0bbca50c1b2843150fe33" yield @app if block_given? @app.initialize! @app.routes.draw do get "/" => "omg#index" end require "rack/test" extend ::Rack::Test::Methods end def simple_controller controller :foo, <<-RUBY class FooController < ApplicationController def index render plain: "foo" end end RUBY app_file "config/routes.rb", <<-RUBY Rails.application.routes.draw do get ':controller(/:action)' end RUBY end class Bukkit attr_reader :path def initialize(path) @path = path end def write(file, string) path = "#{@path}/#{file}" FileUtils.mkdir_p(File.dirname(path)) File.open(path, "w") { |f| f.puts string } end def delete(file) File.delete("#{@path}/#{file}") end end def engine(name) dir = "#{app_path}/random/#{name}" FileUtils.mkdir_p(dir) app = File.readlines("#{app_path}/config/application.rb") app.insert(4, "$:.unshift(\"#{dir}/lib\")") app.insert(5, "require #{name.inspect}") File.open("#{app_path}/config/application.rb", "r+") do |f| f.puts app end Bukkit.new(dir).tap do |bukkit| yield bukkit if block_given? end end # Invoke a bin/rails command inside the app # # allow_failure:: true to return normally if the command exits with # a non-zero status. By default, this method will raise. # stderr:: true to pass STDERR output straight to the "real" STDERR. # By default, the STDERR and STDOUT of the process will be # combined in the returned string. def rails(*args, allow_failure: false, stderr: false) args = args.flatten fork = true command = "bin/rails #{Shellwords.join args}#{' 2>&1' unless stderr}" # Don't fork if the environment has disabled it fork = false if ENV["NO_FORK"] # Don't fork if the runtime isn't able to fork = false if !Process.respond_to?(:fork) # Don't fork if we're re-invoking minitest fork = false if args.first == "t" || args.grep(/\Atest(:|\z)/).any? if fork out_read, out_write = IO.pipe if stderr err_read, err_write = IO.pipe else err_write = out_write end pid = fork do out_read.close err_read.close if err_read $stdin.reopen(File::NULL, "r") $stdout.reopen(out_write) $stderr.reopen(err_write) at_exit do case $! when SystemExit exit! $!.status when nil exit! 0 else err_write.puts "#{$!.class}: #{$!}" exit! 1 end end Rails.instance_variable_set :@_env, nil $-v = $-w = false Dir.chdir app_path unless Dir.pwd == app_path ARGV.replace(args) load "./bin/rails" exit! 0 end out_write.close if err_read err_write.close $stderr.write err_read.read end output = out_read.read Process.waitpid pid else output = `cd #{app_path}; #{command}` end raise "rails command failed (#{$?.exitstatus}): #{command}\n#{output}" unless allow_failure || $?.success? output end def add_to_top_of_config(str) environment = File.read("#{app_path}/config/application.rb") if environment =~ /(Rails::Application\s*)/ File.open("#{app_path}/config/application.rb", "w") do |f| f.puts $` + $1 + "\n#{str}\n" + $' end end end def add_to_config(str) environment = File.read("#{app_path}/config/application.rb") if environment =~ /(\n\s*end\s*end\s*)\z/ File.open("#{app_path}/config/application.rb", "w") do |f| f.puts $` + "\n#{str}\n" + $1 end end end def add_to_env_config(env, str) environment = File.read("#{app_path}/config/environments/#{env}.rb") if environment =~ /(\n\s*end\s*)\z/ File.open("#{app_path}/config/environments/#{env}.rb", "w") do |f| f.puts $` + "\n#{str}\n" + $1 end end end def remove_from_config(str) remove_from_file("#{app_path}/config/application.rb", str) end def remove_from_env_config(env, str) remove_from_file("#{app_path}/config/environments/#{env}.rb", str) end def remove_from_file(file, str) contents = File.read(file) contents.sub!(/#{str}/, "") File.write(file, contents) end def app_file(path, contents, mode = "w") file_name = "#{app_path}/#{path}" FileUtils.mkdir_p File.dirname(file_name) File.open(file_name, mode) do |f| f.puts contents end file_name end def app_dir(path) FileUtils.mkdir_p("#{app_path}/#{path}") end def remove_file(path) FileUtils.rm_rf "#{app_path}/#{path}" end def controller(name, contents) app_file("app/controllers/#{name}_controller.rb", contents) end def use_frameworks(arr) to_remove = [:actionmailer, :activerecord, :activestorage, :activejob, :actionmailbox] - arr if to_remove.include?(:activerecord) remove_from_config "config.active_record.*" end $:.reject! { |path| path =~ %r'/(#{to_remove.join('|')})/' } end def use_postgresql File.open("#{app_path}/config/database.yml", "w") do |f| f.puts <<-YAML default: &default adapter: postgresql pool: 5 database: railties_test development: <<: *default test: <<: *default YAML end end end module Reload def reload ActiveSupport::Dependencies.clear end end end class ActiveSupport::TestCase include TestHelpers::Paths include TestHelpers::Rack include TestHelpers::Generation include TestHelpers::Reload include ActiveSupport::Testing::Stream include ActiveSupport::Testing::MethodCallAssertions end # Create a scope and build a fixture rails app Module.new do extend TestHelpers::Paths # Build a rails app FileUtils.rm_rf(app_template_path) FileUtils.mkdir_p(app_template_path) `#{Gem.ruby} #{RAILS_FRAMEWORK_ROOT}/railties/exe/rails new #{app_template_path} --skip-bundle --skip-listen --no-rc --skip-webpack-install` File.open("#{app_template_path}/config/boot.rb", "w") do |f| f.puts "require 'rails/all'" end unless File.exist?("#{RAILS_FRAMEWORK_ROOT}/actionview/lib/assets/compiled/rails-ujs.js") Dir.chdir("#{RAILS_FRAMEWORK_ROOT}/actionview") { `yarn build` } end assets_path = "#{RAILS_FRAMEWORK_ROOT}/railties/test/isolation/assets" unless Dir.exist?("#{assets_path}/node_modules") Dir.chdir(assets_path) { `yarn install` } end FileUtils.cp("#{assets_path}/package.json", "#{app_template_path}/package.json") FileUtils.cp("#{assets_path}/config/webpacker.yml", "#{app_template_path}/config/webpacker.yml") FileUtils.cp_r("#{assets_path}/config/webpack", "#{app_template_path}/config/webpack") FileUtils.ln_s("#{assets_path}/node_modules", "#{app_template_path}/node_modules") FileUtils.chdir(app_template_path) { `bin/rails webpacker:binstubs` } # Fake 'Bundler.require' -- we run using the repo's Gemfile, not an # app-specific one: we don't want to require every gem that lists. contents = File.read("#{app_template_path}/config/application.rb") contents.sub!(/^Bundler\.require.*/, "%w(turbolinks webpacker).each { |r| require r }") File.write("#{app_template_path}/config/application.rb", contents) require "rails" require "active_model" require "active_job" require "active_record" require "action_controller" require "action_mailer" require "action_view" require "active_storage" require "action_cable" require "action_mailbox" require "action_text" require "sprockets" require "action_view/helpers" require "action_dispatch/routing/route_set" end unless defined?(RAILS_ISOLATED_ENGINE)