# # Tests, setup, and teardown common to the application and plugin generator suites. # module SharedGeneratorTests def setup Rails.application = TestApp::Application super Rails::Generators::AppGenerator.instance_variable_set("@desc", nil) Kernel::silence_warnings do Thor::Base.shell.send(:attr_accessor, :always_force) @shell = Thor::Base.shell.new @shell.send(:always_force=, true) end end def teardown super Rails::Generators::AppGenerator.instance_variable_set("@desc", nil) Rails.application = TestApp::Application.instance end def test_skeleton_is_created run_generator default_files.each { |path| assert_file path } end def test_plugin_new_generate_pretend run_generator ["testapp", "--pretend"] default_files.each{ |path| assert_no_file File.join("testapp",path) } end def test_invalid_database_option_raises_an_error content = capture(:stderr){ run_generator([destination_root, "-d", "unknown"]) } assert_match(/Invalid value for \-\-database option/, content) end def test_test_files_are_skipped_if_required run_generator [destination_root, "--skip-test"] assert_no_file "test" end def test_name_collision_raises_an_error reserved_words = %w[application destroy plugin runner test] reserved_words.each do |reserved| content = capture(:stderr){ run_generator [File.join(destination_root, reserved)] } assert_match(/Invalid \w+ name #{reserved}. Please give a name which does not match one of the reserved rails words: application, destroy, plugin, runner, test\n/, content) end end def test_name_raises_an_error_if_name_already_used_constant %w{ String Hash Class Module Set Symbol }.each do |ruby_class| content = capture(:stderr){ run_generator [File.join(destination_root, ruby_class)] } assert_match(/Invalid \w+ name #{ruby_class}, constant #{ruby_class} is already in use. Please choose another \w+ name.\n/, content) end end def test_shebang_is_added_to_rails_file run_generator [destination_root, "--ruby", "foo/bar/baz", "--full"] assert_file "bin/rails", /#!foo\/bar\/baz/ end def test_shebang_when_is_the_same_as_default_use_env run_generator [destination_root, "--ruby", Thor::Util.ruby_command, "--full"] assert_file "bin/rails", /#!\/usr\/bin\/env/ end def test_template_raises_an_error_with_invalid_path quietly do content = capture(:stderr){ run_generator([destination_root, "-m", "non/existent/path"]) } assert_match(/The template \[.*\] could not be loaded/, content) assert_match(/non\/existent\/path/, content) end end def test_template_is_executed_when_supplied_an_https_path path = "https://gist.github.com/josevalim/103208/raw/" template = %{ say "It works!" } template.instance_eval "def read; self; end" # Make the string respond to read check_open = -> *args do assert_equal [ path, "Accept" => "application/x-thor-template" ], args template end generator([destination_root], template: path).stub(:open, check_open, template) do quietly { assert_match(/It works!/, capture(:stdout) { generator.invoke_all }) } end end def test_skip_gemfile assert_not_called(generator([destination_root], skip_gemfile: true), :bundle_command) do quietly { generator.invoke_all } assert_no_file "Gemfile" end end def test_skip_bundle assert_not_called(generator([destination_root], skip_bundle: true), :bundle_command) do quietly { generator.invoke_all } # skip_bundle is only about running bundle install, ensure the Gemfile is still # generated. assert_file "Gemfile" end end def test_skip_git run_generator [destination_root, "--skip-git", "--full"] assert_no_file(".gitignore") end def test_skip_keeps run_generator [destination_root, "--skip-keeps", "--full"] assert_file ".gitignore" do |content| assert_no_match(/\.keep/, content) end assert_no_file("app/models/concerns/.keep") end end