# frozen_string_literal: true require "generators/generators_test_helper" require "rails/generators/rails/helper/helper_generator" ObjectHelper = Class.new AnotherObjectHelperTest = Class.new class HelperGeneratorTest < Rails::Generators::TestCase include GeneratorsTestHelper arguments %w(admin) def test_helper_skeleton_is_created run_generator assert_file "app/helpers/admin_helper.rb", /module AdminHelper/ end def test_check_class_collision content = capture(:stderr) { run_generator ["object"] } assert_match(/The name 'ObjectHelper' is either already used in your application or reserved/, content) end def test_namespaced_and_not_namespaced_helpers run_generator ["products"] # We have to require the generated helper to show the problem because # the test helpers just check for generated files and contents but # do not actually load them. But they have to be loaded (as in a real environment) # to make the second generator run fail require "#{destination_root}/app/helpers/products_helper" assert_nothing_raised do begin run_generator ["admin::products"] ensure # cleanup Object.send(:remove_const, :ProductsHelper) end end end def test_helper_suffix_is_not_duplicated run_generator %w(products_helper) assert_no_file "app/helpers/products_helper_helper.rb" assert_file "app/helpers/products_helper.rb" end end