# frozen_string_literal: true require "generators/generators_test_helper" require "rails/generators/rails/app/app_generator" require "env_helpers" class ActionsTest < Rails::Generators::TestCase include GeneratorsTestHelper include EnvHelpers tests Rails::Generators::AppGenerator arguments [destination_root] def setup Rails.application = TestApp::Application super end def teardown Rails.application = TestApp::Application.instance end def test_invoke_other_generator_with_shortcut action :invoke, "model", ["my_model"] assert_file "app/models/my_model.rb", /MyModel/ end def test_invoke_other_generator_with_full_namespace action :invoke, "rails:model", ["my_model"] assert_file "app/models/my_model.rb", /MyModel/ end def test_create_file_should_write_data_to_file_path action :create_file, "lib/test_file.rb", "heres test data" assert_file "lib/test_file.rb", "heres test data" end def test_create_file_should_write_block_contents_to_file_path action(:create_file, "lib/test_file.rb") { "heres block data" } assert_file "lib/test_file.rb", "heres block data" end def test_add_source_adds_source_to_gemfile run_generator action :add_source, "http://gems.github.com" assert_file "Gemfile", /source 'http:\/\/gems\.github\.com'/ end def test_add_source_with_block_adds_source_to_gemfile_with_gem run_generator action :add_source, "http://gems.github.com" do gem "rspec-rails" end assert_file "Gemfile", /source 'http:\/\/gems\.github\.com' do\n gem 'rspec-rails'\nend/ end def test_add_source_with_block_adds_source_to_gemfile_after_gem run_generator action :gem, "will-paginate" action :add_source, "http://gems.github.com" do gem "rspec-rails" end assert_file "Gemfile", /gem 'will-paginate'\nsource 'http:\/\/gems\.github\.com' do\n gem 'rspec-rails'\nend/ end def test_gem_should_put_gem_dependency_in_gemfile run_generator action :gem, "will-paginate" assert_file "Gemfile", /gem 'will\-paginate'/ end def test_gem_with_version_should_include_version_in_gemfile run_generator action :gem, "rspec", ">=2.0.0.a5" assert_file "Gemfile", /gem 'rspec', '>=2.0.0.a5'/ end def test_gem_should_insert_on_separate_lines run_generator File.open("Gemfile", "a") { |f| f.write("# Some content...") } action :gem, "rspec" action :gem, "rspec-rails" assert_file "Gemfile", /^gem 'rspec'$/ assert_file "Gemfile", /^gem 'rspec-rails'$/ end def test_gem_should_include_options run_generator action :gem, "rspec", github: "dchelimsky/rspec", tag: "1.2.9.rc1" assert_file "Gemfile", /gem 'rspec', github: 'dchelimsky\/rspec', tag: '1\.2\.9\.rc1'/ end def test_gem_with_non_string_options run_generator action :gem, "rspec", require: false action :gem, "rspec-rails", group: [:development, :test] assert_file "Gemfile", /^gem 'rspec', require: false$/ assert_file "Gemfile", /^gem 'rspec-rails', group: \[:development, :test\]$/ end def test_gem_falls_back_to_inspect_if_string_contains_single_quote run_generator action :gem, "rspec", ">=2.0'0" assert_file "Gemfile", /^gem 'rspec', ">=2\.0'0"$/ end def test_gem_works_even_if_frozen_string_is_passed_as_argument run_generator action :gem, "frozen_gem".freeze, "1.0.0".freeze assert_file "Gemfile", /^gem 'frozen_gem', '1.0.0'$/ end def test_gem_group_should_wrap_gems_in_a_group run_generator action :gem_group, :development, :test do gem "rspec-rails" end action :gem_group, :test do gem "fakeweb" end assert_file "Gemfile", /\ngroup :development, :test do\n gem 'rspec-rails'\nend\n\ngroup :test do\n gem 'fakeweb'\nend/ end def test_environment_should_include_data_in_environment_initializer_block run_generator autoload_paths = 'config.autoload_paths += %w["#{Rails.root}/app/extras"]' action :environment, autoload_paths assert_file "config/application.rb", / class Application < Rails::Application\n #{Regexp.escape(autoload_paths)}/ end def test_environment_should_include_data_in_environment_initializer_block_with_env_option run_generator autoload_paths = 'config.autoload_paths += %w["#{Rails.root}/app/extras"]' action :environment, autoload_paths, env: "development" assert_file "config/environments/development.rb", /Rails\.application\.configure do\n #{Regexp.escape(autoload_paths)}/ end def test_environment_with_block_should_include_block_contents_in_environment_initializer_block run_generator action :environment do _ = "# This wont be added"# assignment to silence parse-time warning "unused literal ignored" "# This will be added" end assert_file "config/application.rb" do |content| assert_match(/# This will be added/, content) assert_no_match(/# This wont be added/, content) end end def test_git_with_symbol_should_run_command_using_git_scm assert_called_with(generator, :run, ["git init"]) do action :git, :init end end def test_git_with_hash_should_run_each_command_using_git_scm assert_called_with(generator, :run, [ ["git rm README"], ["git add ."] ]) do action :git, rm: "README", add: "." end end def test_vendor_should_write_data_to_file_in_vendor action :vendor, "vendor_file.rb", "# vendor data" assert_file "vendor/vendor_file.rb", "# vendor data" end def test_lib_should_write_data_to_file_in_lib action :lib, "my_library.rb", "class MyLibrary" assert_file "lib/my_library.rb", "class MyLibrary" end def test_rakefile_should_write_date_to_file_in_lib_tasks action :rakefile, "myapp.rake", "task run: [:environment]" assert_file "lib/tasks/myapp.rake", "task run: [:environment]" end def test_initializer_should_write_date_to_file_in_config_initializers action :initializer, "constants.rb", "MY_CONSTANT = 42" assert_file "config/initializers/constants.rb", "MY_CONSTANT = 42" end def test_generate_should_run_script_generate_with_argument_and_options assert_called_with(generator, :run_ruby_script, ["bin/rails generate model MyModel", verbose: false]) do action :generate, "model", "MyModel" end end def test_rails_should_run_rake_command_with_default_env assert_called_with(generator, :run, ["rake log:clear RAILS_ENV=development", verbose: false]) do with_rails_env nil do action :rake, "log:clear" end end end def test_rails_with_env_option_should_run_rake_command_in_env assert_called_with(generator, :run, ["rake log:clear RAILS_ENV=production", verbose: false]) do action :rake, "log:clear", env: "production" end end test "rails command with RAILS_ENV variable should run rake command in env" do assert_called_with(generator, :run, ["rake log:clear RAILS_ENV=production", verbose: false]) do with_rails_env "production" do action :rake, "log:clear" end end end test "env option should win over RAILS_ENV variable when running rake" do assert_called_with(generator, :run, ["rake log:clear RAILS_ENV=production", verbose: false]) do with_rails_env "staging" do action :rake, "log:clear", env: "production" end end end test "rails command with sudo option should run rake command with sudo" do assert_called_with(generator, :run, ["sudo rake log:clear RAILS_ENV=development", verbose: false]) do with_rails_env nil do action :rake, "log:clear", sudo: true end end end test "rails command should run rails_command with default env" do assert_called_with(generator, :run, ["rails log:clear RAILS_ENV=development", verbose: false]) do with_rails_env nil do action :rails_command, "log:clear" end end end test "rails command with env option should run rails_command with same env" do assert_called_with(generator, :run, ["rails log:clear RAILS_ENV=production", verbose: false]) do action :rails_command, "log:clear", env: "production" end end test "rails command with RAILS_ENV variable should run rails_command in env" do assert_called_with(generator, :run, ["rails log:clear RAILS_ENV=production", verbose: false]) do with_rails_env "production" do action :rails_command, "log:clear" end end end def test_env_option_should_win_over_rails_env_variable_when_running_rails assert_called_with(generator, :run, ["rails log:clear RAILS_ENV=production", verbose: false]) do with_rails_env "staging" do action :rails_command, "log:clear", env: "production" end end end test "rails command with sudo option should run rails_command with sudo" do assert_called_with(generator, :run, ["sudo rails log:clear RAILS_ENV=development", verbose: false]) do with_rails_env nil do action :rails_command, "log:clear", sudo: true end end end def test_capify_should_run_the_capify_command content = capture(:stderr) do assert_called_with(generator, :run, ["capify .", verbose: false]) do action :capify! end end assert_match(/DEPRECATION WARNING: `capify!` is deprecated/, content) end def test_route_should_add_data_to_the_routes_block_in_config_routes run_generator route_command = "route '/login', controller: 'sessions', action: 'new'" action :route, route_command assert_file "config/routes.rb", /#{Regexp.escape(route_command)}/ end def test_route_should_be_idempotent run_generator route_path = File.expand_path("config/routes.rb", destination_root) # runs first time, not asserting action :route, "root 'welcome#index'" content_1 = File.read(route_path) # runs second time action :route, "root 'welcome#index'" content_2 = File.read(route_path) assert_equal content_1, content_2 end def test_route_should_add_data_with_an_new_line run_generator action :route, "root 'welcome#index'" route_path = File.expand_path("config/routes.rb", destination_root) content = File.read(route_path) # Remove all of the comments and blank lines from the routes file content.gsub!(/^ \#.*\n/, "") content.gsub!(/^\n/, "") File.open(route_path, "wb") { |file| file.write(content) } routes = <<-F Rails.application.routes.draw do root 'welcome#index' end F assert_file "config/routes.rb", routes action :route, "resources :product_lines" routes = <<-F Rails.application.routes.draw do resources :product_lines root 'welcome#index' end F assert_file "config/routes.rb", routes end def test_readme run_generator assert_called(Rails::Generators::AppGenerator, :source_root, times: 2, returns: destination_root) do assert_match "application up and running", action(:readme, "README.md") end end def test_readme_with_quiet generator(default_arguments, quiet: true) run_generator assert_called(Rails::Generators::AppGenerator, :source_root, times: 2, returns: destination_root) do assert_no_match "application up and running", action(:readme, "README.md") end end def test_log assert_equal("YES\n", action(:log, "YES")) end def test_log_with_status assert_equal(" yes YES\n", action(:log, :yes, "YES")) end def test_log_with_quiet generator(default_arguments, quiet: true) assert_equal("", action(:log, "YES")) end def test_log_with_status_with_quiet generator(default_arguments, quiet: true) assert_equal("", action(:log, :yes, "YES")) end private def action(*args, &block) capture(:stdout) { generator.send(*args, &block) } end end