require "#{File.dirname(__FILE__)}/abstract_unit" $:.unshift File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/../../actionmailer/lib" require 'stringio' require 'cgi' require 'dispatcher' require 'action_controller' require 'action_mailer' ACTION_MAILER_DEF = <<AM class DispatcherTestMailer < ActionMailer::Base end AM ACTION_CONTROLLER_DEF = <<AM class DispatcherControllerTest < ActionController::Base end AM class DispatcherTest < Test::Unit::TestCase def setup @output = ENV['REQUEST_METHOD'] = "GET" Dispatcher.send(:preparation_callbacks).clear Dispatcher.send(:preparation_callbacks_run=, false) Object.const_set :ApplicationController, nil end def teardown Object.send :remove_const, :ApplicationController ENV['REQUEST_METHOD'] = nil end def test_ac_subclasses_cleared_on_reset Object.class_eval(ACTION_CONTROLLER_DEF) assert_subclasses 1, ActionController::Base dispatch GC.start # force the subclass to be collected assert_subclasses 0, ActionController::Base end def test_am_subclasses_cleared_on_reset Object.class_eval(ACTION_MAILER_DEF) assert_subclasses 1, ActionMailer::Base dispatch GC.start # force the subclass to be collected assert_subclasses 0, ActionMailer::Base end INVALID_MULTIPART = [ 'POST /foo HTTP/1.0', 'Host:', 'Content-Type: multipart/form-data;boundary=foo' ] EMPTY_CONTENT = (INVALID_MULTIPART + [ 'Content-Length: 100', nil, nil ]).join("\r\n") CONTENT_LENGTH_MISMATCH = (INVALID_MULTIPART + [ 'Content-Length: 100', nil, nil, 'foobar' ]).join("\r\n") NONINTEGER_CONTENT_LENGTH = (INVALID_MULTIPART + [ 'Content-Length: abc', nil, nil ]).join("\r\n") def test_bad_multipart_request old_stdin = $stdin [EMPTY_CONTENT, CONTENT_LENGTH_MISMATCH, NONINTEGER_CONTENT_LENGTH].each do |bad_request| $stdin = output = assert_nothing_raised { dispatch output } assert_equal "Status: 400 Bad Request\r\n", output.string end ensure $stdin = old_stdin end def test_preparation_callbacks old_mechanism = Dependencies.mechanism a = b = c = nil Dispatcher.to_prepare { a = b = c = 1 } Dispatcher.to_prepare { b = c = 2 } Dispatcher.to_prepare { c = 3 } Dispatcher.send :prepare_application assert_equal 1, a assert_equal 2, b assert_equal 3, c # When mechanism is :load, perform the callbacks each request: Dependencies.mechanism = :load a = b = c = nil Dispatcher.send :prepare_application assert_equal 1, a assert_equal 2, b assert_equal 3, c # But when not :load, make sure they are only run once a = b = c = nil Dependencies.mechanism = :not_load Dispatcher.send :prepare_application assert_equal nil, a || b || c ensure Dependencies.mechanism = old_mechanism end def test_to_prepare_with_identifier_replaces a = b = nil Dispatcher.to_prepare(:unique_id) { a = b = 1 } Dispatcher.to_prepare(:unique_id) { a = 2 } Dispatcher.send :prepare_application assert_equal 2, a assert_equal nil, b end private def dispatch(output = @output) Dispatcher.dispatch(nil, {}, output) end def assert_subclasses(howmany, klass, message = klass.subclasses.inspect) assert_equal howmany, klass.subclasses.size, message end end