require "isolation/abstract_unit" require "rack/test" module ApplicationTests class RoutingTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase include ActiveSupport::Testing::Isolation include Rack::Test::Methods def setup build_app end def teardown teardown_app end test "rails/welcome in development" do app("development") get "/" assert_equal 200, last_response.status end test "rails/info in development" do app("development") get "/rails/info" assert_equal 302, last_response.status end test "rails/info/routes in development" do app("development") get "/rails/info/routes" assert_equal 200, last_response.status end test "rails/info/properties in development" do app("development") get "/rails/info/properties" assert_equal 200, last_response.status end test "/rails/info routes are accessible with globbing route present" do app("development") app_file "config/routes.rb", <<-RUBY Rails.application.routes.draw do get '*foo', to: 'foo#index' end RUBY get "/rails/info" assert_equal 302, last_response.status get "rails/info/routes" assert_equal 200, last_response.status get "rails/info/properties" assert_equal 200, last_response.status end test "root takes precedence over internal welcome controller" do app("development") assert_welcome get("/") controller :foo, <<-RUBY class FooController < ApplicationController def index render text: "foo" end end RUBY app_file "config/routes.rb", <<-RUBY Rails.application.routes.draw do root to: "foo#index" end RUBY get "/" assert_equal "foo", last_response.body end test "rails/welcome in production" do app("production") get "/" assert_equal 404, last_response.status end test "rails/info in production" do app("production") get "/rails/info" assert_equal 404, last_response.status end test "rails/info/routes in production" do app("production") get "/rails/info/routes" assert_equal 404, last_response.status end test "rails/info/properties in production" do app("production") get "/rails/info/properties" assert_equal 404, last_response.status end test "simple controller" do simple_controller get "/foo" assert_equal "foo", last_response.body end test "simple controller with helper" do controller :foo, <<-RUBY class FooController < ApplicationController def index render inline: "<%= foo_or_bar? %>" end end RUBY app_file "app/helpers/bar_helper.rb", <<-RUBY module BarHelper def foo_or_bar? "bar" end end RUBY app_file "config/routes.rb", <<-RUBY Rails.application.routes.draw do get ':controller(/:action)' end RUBY get "/foo" assert_equal "bar", last_response.body end test "mount rack app" do app_file "config/routes.rb", <<-RUBY Rails.application.routes.draw do mount lambda { |env| [200, {}, [env["PATH_INFO"]]] }, at: "/blog" # The line below is required because mount sometimes # fails when a resource route is added. resource :user end RUBY get "/blog/archives" assert_equal "/archives", last_response.body end test "mount named rack app" do controller :foo, <<-RUBY class FooController < ApplicationController def index render text: my_blog_path end end RUBY app_file "config/routes.rb", <<-RUBY Rails.application.routes.draw do mount lambda { |env| [200, {}, [env["PATH_INFO"]]] }, at: "/blog", as: "my_blog" get '/foo' => 'foo#index' end RUBY get "/foo" assert_equal "/blog", last_response.body end test "multiple controllers" do controller :foo, <<-RUBY class FooController < ApplicationController def index render text: "foo" end end RUBY controller :bar, <<-RUBY class BarController < ActionController::Base def index render text: "bar" end end RUBY app_file "config/routes.rb", <<-RUBY Rails.application.routes.draw do get ':controller(/:action)' end RUBY get "/foo" assert_equal "foo", last_response.body get "/bar" assert_equal "bar", last_response.body end test "nested controller" do controller "foo", <<-RUBY class FooController < ApplicationController def index render text: "foo" end end RUBY controller "admin/foo", <<-RUBY module Admin class FooController < ApplicationController def index render text: "admin::foo" end end end RUBY app_file "config/routes.rb", <<-RUBY Rails.application.routes.draw do get 'admin/foo', to: 'admin/foo#index' get 'foo', to: 'foo#index' end RUBY get "/foo" assert_equal "foo", last_response.body get "/admin/foo" assert_equal "admin::foo", last_response.body end test "routes appending blocks" do app_file "config/routes.rb", <<-RUBY Rails.application.routes.draw do get ':controller/:action' end RUBY add_to_config <<-R routes.append do get '/win' => lambda { |e| [200, {'Content-Type'=>'text/plain'}, ['WIN']] } end R app "development" get "/win" assert_equal "WIN", last_response.body app_file "config/routes.rb", <<-R Rails.application.routes.draw do get 'lol' => 'hello#index' end R get "/win" assert_equal "WIN", last_response.body end {"development" => "baz", "production" => "bar"}.each do |mode, expected| test "reloads routes when configuration is changed in #{mode}" do controller :foo, <<-RUBY class FooController < ApplicationController def bar render text: "bar" end def baz render text: "baz" end end RUBY app_file "config/routes.rb", <<-RUBY Rails.application.routes.draw do get 'foo', to: 'foo#bar' end RUBY app(mode) get "/foo" assert_equal "bar", last_response.body app_file "config/routes.rb", <<-RUBY Rails.application.routes.draw do get 'foo', to: 'foo#baz' end RUBY sleep 0.1 get "/foo" assert_equal expected, last_response.body end end test "routes are loaded just after initialization" do require "#{app_path}/config/application" # Create the rack app just inside after initialize callback ActiveSupport.on_load(:after_initialize) do ::InitializeRackApp = lambda { |env| [200, {}, ["InitializeRackApp"]] } end app_file "config/routes.rb", <<-RUBY Rails.application.routes.draw do get 'foo', to: ::InitializeRackApp end RUBY get "/foo" assert_equal "InitializeRackApp", last_response.body end test "reload_routes! is part of Rails.application API" do app("development") assert_nothing_raised do Rails.application.reload_routes! end end def test_root_path app("development") controller :foo, <<-RUBY class FooController < ApplicationController def index render :text => "foo" end end RUBY app_file "config/routes.rb", <<-RUBY Rails.application.routes.draw do get 'foo', :to => 'foo#index' root :to => 'foo#index' end RUBY remove_file "public/index.html" get "/" assert_equal "foo", last_response.body end test "routes are added and removed when reloading" do app("development") controller :foo, <<-RUBY class FooController < ApplicationController def index render text: "foo" end end RUBY controller :bar, <<-RUBY class BarController < ApplicationController def index render text: "bar" end end RUBY app_file "config/routes.rb", <<-RUBY Rails.application.routes.draw do get 'foo', to: 'foo#index' end RUBY get "/foo" assert_equal "foo", last_response.body assert_equal "/foo", Rails.application.routes.url_helpers.foo_path get "/bar" assert_equal 404, last_response.status assert_raises NoMethodError do assert_equal "/bar", Rails.application.routes.url_helpers.bar_path end app_file "config/routes.rb", <<-RUBY Rails.application.routes.draw do get 'foo', to: 'foo#index' get 'bar', to: 'bar#index' end RUBY Rails.application.reload_routes! get "/foo" assert_equal "foo", last_response.body assert_equal "/foo", Rails.application.routes.url_helpers.foo_path get "/bar" assert_equal "bar", last_response.body assert_equal "/bar", Rails.application.routes.url_helpers.bar_path app_file "config/routes.rb", <<-RUBY Rails.application.routes.draw do get 'foo', to: 'foo#index' end RUBY Rails.application.reload_routes! get "/foo" assert_equal "foo", last_response.body assert_equal "/foo", Rails.application.routes.url_helpers.foo_path get "/bar" assert_equal 404, last_response.status assert_raises NoMethodError do assert_equal "/bar", Rails.application.routes.url_helpers.bar_path end end test "named routes are cleared when reloading" do app("development") controller :foo, <<-RUBY class FooController < ApplicationController def index render text: "foo" end end RUBY controller :bar, <<-RUBY class BarController < ApplicationController def index render text: "bar" end end RUBY app_file "config/routes.rb", <<-RUBY Rails.application.routes.draw do get ':locale/foo', to: 'foo#index', as: 'foo' end RUBY get "/en/foo" assert_equal "foo", last_response.body assert_equal "/en/foo", Rails.application.routes.url_helpers.foo_path(locale: "en") app_file "config/routes.rb", <<-RUBY Rails.application.routes.draw do get ':locale/bar', to: 'bar#index', as: 'foo' end RUBY Rails.application.reload_routes! get "/en/foo" assert_equal 404, last_response.status get "/en/bar" assert_equal "bar", last_response.body assert_equal "/en/bar", Rails.application.routes.url_helpers.foo_path(locale: "en") end test "resource routing with irregular inflection" do app_file "config/initializers/inflection.rb", <<-RUBY ActiveSupport::Inflector.inflections do |inflect| inflect.irregular 'yazi', 'yazilar' end RUBY app_file "config/routes.rb", <<-RUBY Rails.application.routes.draw do resources :yazilar end RUBY controller "yazilar", <<-RUBY class YazilarController < ApplicationController def index render text: 'yazilar#index' end end RUBY get "/yazilars" assert_equal 404, last_response.status get "/yazilar" assert_equal 200, last_response.status end end end