require 'isolation/abstract_unit' module ApplicationTests class RoutingTest < Test::Unit::TestCase include ActiveSupport::Testing::Isolation def setup build_app boot_rails require 'rack/test' extend Rack::Test::Methods end def app @app ||= begin require "#{app_path}/config/environment" Rails.application end end test "rails/info/properties" do get "/rails/info/properties" assert_equal 200, last_response.status end test "simple controller" do controller :foo, <<-RUBY class FooController < ActionController::Base def index render :text => "foo" end end RUBY app_file 'config/routes.rb', <<-RUBY AppTemplate::Application.routes.draw do |map| match ':controller(/:action)' end RUBY get '/foo' assert_equal 'foo', last_response.body end test "multiple controllers" do controller :foo, <<-RUBY class FooController < ActionController::Base def index render :text => "foo" end end RUBY controller :bar, <<-RUBY class BarController < ActionController::Base def index render :text => "bar" end end RUBY app_file 'config/routes.rb', <<-RUBY AppTemplate::Application.routes.draw do |map| match ':controller(/:action)' end RUBY get '/foo' assert_equal 'foo', last_response.body get '/bar' assert_equal 'bar', last_response.body end test "nested controller" do controller 'foo', <<-RUBY class FooController < ActionController::Base def index render :text => "foo" end end RUBY controller 'admin/foo', <<-RUBY module Admin class FooController < ActionController::Base def index render :text => "admin::foo" end end end RUBY app_file 'config/routes.rb', <<-RUBY AppTemplate::Application.routes.draw do |map| match ':controller(/:action)' end RUBY get '/foo' assert_equal 'foo', last_response.body get '/admin/foo' assert_equal 'admin::foo', last_response.body end test "merges with plugin routes" do controller 'foo', <<-RUBY class FooController < ActionController::Base def index render :text => "foo" end end RUBY app_file 'config/routes.rb', <<-RUBY AppTemplate::Application.routes.draw do |map| match 'foo', :to => 'foo#index' end RUBY plugin 'bar', 'require File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/app/controllers/bar"' do |plugin| plugin.write 'app/controllers/bar.rb', <<-RUBY class BarController < ActionController::Base def index render :text => "bar" end end RUBY plugin.write 'config/routes.rb', <<-RUBY AppTemplate::Application.routes.draw do |map| match 'bar', :to => 'bar#index' end RUBY end get '/foo' assert_equal 'foo', last_response.body get '/bar' assert_equal 'bar', last_response.body end test "reloads routes when configuration is changed" do controller :foo, <<-RUBY class FooController < ActionController::Base def bar render :text => "bar" end def baz render :text => "baz" end end RUBY app_file 'config/routes.rb', <<-RUBY AppTemplate::Application.routes.draw do |map| match 'foo', :to => 'foo#bar' end RUBY get '/foo' assert_equal 'bar', last_response.body app_file 'config/routes.rb', <<-RUBY AppTemplate::Application.routes.draw do |map| match 'foo', :to => 'foo#baz' end RUBY sleep 0.1 get '/foo' assert_equal 'baz', last_response.body end test 'resource routing with irrigular inflection' do app_file 'config/initializers/inflection.rb', <<-RUBY ActiveSupport::Inflector.inflections do |inflect| inflect.irregular 'yazi', 'yazilar' end RUBY app_file 'config/routes.rb', <<-RUBY AppTemplate::Application.routes.draw do |map| resources :yazilar end RUBY controller 'yazilar', <<-RUBY class YazilarController < ActionController::Base def index render :text => 'yazilar#index' end end RUBY get '/yazilars' assert_equal 404, last_response.status get '/yazilar' assert_equal 200, last_response.status end end end