# encoding: utf-8 require 'isolation/abstract_unit' require 'rack/test' module ApplicationTests class ShowExceptionsTest < Test::Unit::TestCase include ActiveSupport::Testing::Isolation include Rack::Test::Methods def setup build_app boot_rails end def teardown teardown_app end test "show exceptions middleware filter backtrace before logging" do my_middleware = Struct.new(:app) do def call(env) raise "Failure" end end app.config.middleware.use my_middleware stringio = StringIO.new Rails.logger = Logger.new(stringio) get "/" assert_no_match(/action_dispatch/, stringio.string) end test "renders active record exceptions as 404" do my_middleware = Struct.new(:app) do def call(env) raise ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound end end app.config.middleware.use my_middleware get "/" assert_equal 404, last_response.status end test "unspecified route when set action_dispatch.show_exceptions to false" do app.config.action_dispatch.show_exceptions = false assert_raise(ActionController::RoutingError) do get '/foo' end end test "unspecified route when set action_dispatch.show_exceptions to true" do app.config.action_dispatch.show_exceptions = true assert_nothing_raised(ActionController::RoutingError) do get '/foo' end end test "displays diagnostics message when exception raised in template that contains UTF-8" do app.config.action_dispatch.show_exceptions = true controller :foo, <<-RUBY class FooController < ActionController::Base def index end end RUBY app_file 'app/views/foo/index.html.erb', <<-ERB <% raise 'boooom' %> ✓ ERB app_file 'config/routes.rb', <<-RUBY AppTemplate::Application.routes.draw do match ':controller(/:action)' end RUBY post '/foo', :utf8 => '✓' assert_match(/boooom/, last_response.body) end end end