# frozen_string_literal: true require "isolation/abstract_unit" module ApplicationTests class GeneratorsTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase include ActiveSupport::Testing::Isolation def setup build_app end def teardown teardown_app end def app_const @app_const ||= Class.new(Rails::Application) end def with_config require "rails/all" require "rails/generators" yield app_const.config end def with_bare_config require "rails" require "rails/generators" yield app_const.config end test "allow running plugin new generator inside Rails app directory" do FileUtils.cd(rails_root) { `ruby bin/rails plugin new vendor/plugins/bukkits` } assert File.exist?(File.join(rails_root, "vendor/plugins/bukkits/test/dummy/config/application.rb")) end test "generators default values" do with_bare_config do |c| assert_equal(true, c.generators.colorize_logging) assert_equal({}, c.generators.aliases) assert_equal({}, c.generators.options) assert_equal({}, c.generators.fallbacks) end end test "generators set rails options" do with_bare_config do |c| c.generators.orm = :data_mapper c.generators.test_framework = :rspec c.generators.helper = false expected = { rails: { orm: :data_mapper, test_framework: :rspec, helper: false } } assert_equal(expected, c.generators.options) end end test "generators set rails aliases" do with_config do |c| c.generators.aliases = { rails: { test_framework: "-w" } } expected = { rails: { test_framework: "-w" } } assert_equal expected, c.generators.aliases end end test "generators aliases, options, templates and fallbacks on initialization" do add_to_config <<-RUBY config.generators.rails aliases: { test_framework: "-w" } config.generators.orm :data_mapper config.generators.test_framework :rspec config.generators.fallbacks[:shoulda] = :test_unit config.generators.templates << "some/where" RUBY # Initialize the application require "#{app_path}/config/environment" Rails.application.load_generators assert_equal :rspec, Rails::Generators.options[:rails][:test_framework] assert_equal "-w", Rails::Generators.aliases[:rails][:test_framework] assert_equal Hash[shoulda: :test_unit], Rails::Generators.fallbacks assert_equal ["some/where"], Rails::Generators.templates_path end test "generators no color on initialization" do add_to_config <<-RUBY config.generators.colorize_logging = false RUBY # Initialize the application require "#{app_path}/config/environment" Rails.application.load_generators assert_equal Thor::Base.shell, Thor::Shell::Basic end test "generators with hashes for options and aliases" do with_bare_config do |c| c.generators do |g| g.orm :data_mapper, migration: false g.plugin aliases: { generator: "-g" }, generator: true end expected = { rails: { orm: :data_mapper }, plugin: { generator: true }, data_mapper: { migration: false } } assert_equal expected, c.generators.options assert_equal({ plugin: { generator: "-g" } }, c.generators.aliases) end end test "generators with string and hash for options should generate symbol keys" do with_bare_config do |c| c.generators do |g| g.orm "data_mapper", migration: false end expected = { rails: { orm: :data_mapper }, data_mapper: { migration: false } } assert_equal expected, c.generators.options end end test "api only generators hide assets, helper, js and css namespaces and set api option" do add_to_config <<-RUBY config.api_only = true RUBY # Initialize the application require "#{app_path}/config/environment" Rails.application.load_generators assert_includes Rails::Generators.hidden_namespaces, "assets" assert_includes Rails::Generators.hidden_namespaces, "helper" assert_includes Rails::Generators.hidden_namespaces, "js" assert_includes Rails::Generators.hidden_namespaces, "css" assert Rails::Generators.options[:rails][:api] assert_equal false, Rails::Generators.options[:rails][:assets] assert_equal false, Rails::Generators.options[:rails][:helper] assert_nil Rails::Generators.options[:rails][:template_engine] end test "api only generators allow overriding generator options" do add_to_config <<-RUBY config.generators.helper = true config.api_only = true config.generators.template_engine = :my_template RUBY # Initialize the application require "#{app_path}/config/environment" Rails.application.load_generators assert Rails::Generators.options[:rails][:api] assert Rails::Generators.options[:rails][:helper] assert_equal :my_template, Rails::Generators.options[:rails][:template_engine] end test "api only generator generate mailer views" do add_to_config <<-RUBY config.api_only = true RUBY FileUtils.cd(rails_root) { `bin/rails generate mailer notifier foo` } assert File.exist?(File.join(rails_root, "app/views/notifier_mailer/foo.text.erb")) assert File.exist?(File.join(rails_root, "app/views/notifier_mailer/foo.html.erb")) end test "ARGV is mutated as expected" do require "#{app_path}/config/environment" require "rails/command" Rails::Command.const_set("APP_PATH", "rails/all") FileUtils.cd(rails_root) do ARGV = ["mailer", "notifier", "foo"] Rails::Command.const_set("ARGV", ARGV) quietly { Rails::Command.invoke :generate, ARGV } assert_equal ["notifier", "foo"], ARGV end Rails::Command.send(:remove_const, "APP_PATH") end test "help does not show hidden namespaces" do FileUtils.cd(rails_root) do output = `bin/rails generate --help` assert_no_match "active_record:migration", output output = `bin/rails destroy --help` assert_no_match "active_record:migration", output end end end end