require 'isolation/abstract_unit' class ConsoleTest < Test::Unit::TestCase include ActiveSupport::Testing::Isolation def setup build_app boot_rails # Load steps taken from rails/commands/console.rb require "#{rails_root}/config/environment" require 'rails/console_app' require 'rails/console_with_helpers' end def test_app_method_should_return_integration_session console_session = app assert_not_nil console_session assert_instance_of ActionController::Integration::Session, console_session end def test_new_session_should_return_integration_session session = new_session assert_not_nil session assert_instance_of ActionController::Integration::Session, session end def test_reload_should_fire_preparation_callbacks a = b = c = nil # TODO: These should be defined on the initializer ActionDispatch::Callbacks.to_prepare { a = b = c = 1 } ActionDispatch::Callbacks.to_prepare { b = c = 2 } ActionDispatch::Callbacks.to_prepare { c = 3 } # Hide Reloading... output silence_stream(STDOUT) do reload! end assert_equal 1, a assert_equal 2, b assert_equal 3, c end def test_access_to_helpers assert_not_nil helper assert_instance_of ActionView::Base, helper assert_equal 'Once upon a time in a world...', helper.truncate('Once upon a time in a world far far away') end end