require "tmpdir" require "abstract_unit" require "rails/app_loader" class AppLoaderTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase def loader @loader ||= do extend Rails::AppLoader def self.exec_arguments @exec_arguments end def self.exec(*args) @exec_arguments = args end end end def write(filename, contents=nil) FileUtils.mkdir_p(File.dirname(filename)) File.write(filename, contents) end def expects_exec(exe) assert_equal [Rails::AppLoader::RUBY, exe], loader.exec_arguments end setup do @tmp = Dir.mktmpdir("railties-rails-loader-test-suite") @cwd = Dir.pwd Dir.chdir(@tmp) end ["bin", "script"].each do |script_dir| exe = "#{script_dir}/rails" test "is not in a Rails application if #{exe} is not found in the current or parent directories" do def loader.find_executables; end assert !loader.exec_app end test "is not in a Rails application if #{exe} exists but is a folder" do FileUtils.mkdir_p(exe) assert !loader.exec_app end ["APP_PATH", "ENGINE_PATH"].each do |keyword| test "is in a Rails application if #{exe} exists and contains #{keyword}" do write exe, keyword loader.exec_app expects_exec exe end test "is not in a Rails application if #{exe} exists but doesn't contain #{keyword}" do write exe assert !loader.exec_app end test "is in a Rails application if parent directory has #{exe} containing #{keyword} and chdirs to the root directory" do write "foo/bar/#{exe}" write "foo/#{exe}", keyword Dir.chdir("foo/bar") loader.exec_app expects_exec exe # Compare the realpath in case either of them has symlinks. # # This happens in particular in Mac OS X, where @tmp starts # with "/var", and Dir.pwd with "/private/var", due to a # default system symlink var -> private/var. assert_equal File.realpath("#@tmp/foo"), File.realpath(Dir.pwd) end end end teardown do Dir.chdir(@cwd) FileUtils.rm_rf(@tmp) end end