# Donated by Florian Gross require 'webrick' require 'cgi' require 'stringio' include WEBrick ABSOLUTE_RAILS_ROOT = File.expand_path(RAILS_ROOT) ActiveRecord::Base.threaded_connections = false class CGI def stdinput @stdin || $stdin end def env_table @env_table || ENV end def initialize(type = "query", table = nil, stdin = nil) @env_table, @stdin = table, stdin if defined?(MOD_RUBY) && !ENV.key?("GATEWAY_INTERFACE") Apache.request.setup_cgi_env end extend QueryExtension @multipart = false if defined?(CGI_PARAMS) warn "do not use CGI_PARAMS and CGI_COOKIES" @params = CGI_PARAMS.dup @cookies = CGI_COOKIES.dup else initialize_query() # set @params, @cookies end @output_cookies = nil @output_hidden = nil end end class DispatchServlet < WEBrick::HTTPServlet::AbstractServlet REQUEST_MUTEX = Mutex.new def self.dispatch(options = {}) Socket.do_not_reverse_lookup = true # patch for OS X server = WEBrick::HTTPServer.new(:Port => options[:port].to_i, :ServerType => options[:server_type], :BindAddress => options[:ip]) server.mount('/', DispatchServlet, options) trap("INT") { server.shutdown } require File.join(@server_options[:server_root], "..", "config", "environment") unless defined?(RAILS_ROOT) require "dispatcher" server.start end def initialize(server, options) @server_options = options @file_handler = WEBrick::HTTPServlet::FileHandler.new(server, options[:server_root]) Dir.chdir(ABSOLUTE_RAILS_ROOT) super end def service(req, res) begin unless handle_file(req, res) REQUEST_MUTEX.lock unless ActionController::Base.allow_concurrency unless handle_dispatch(req, res) raise WEBrick::HTTPStatus::NotFound, "`#{req.path}' not found." end end ensure unless ActionController::Base.allow_concurrency REQUEST_MUTEX.unlock if REQUEST_MUTEX.locked? end end end def handle_file(req, res) begin req = req.dup path = req.path.dup # Add .html if the last path piece has no . in it path << '.html' if path != '/' && (%r{(^|/)[^./]+$} =~ path) path.gsub!('+', ' ') # Unescape + since FileHandler doesn't do so. req.instance_variable_set(:@path_info, path) # Set the modified path... @file_handler.send(:service, req, res) return true rescue HTTPStatus::PartialContent, HTTPStatus::NotModified => err res.set_error(err) return true rescue => err return false end end def handle_dispatch(req, res, origin = nil) data = StringIO.new Dispatcher.dispatch( CGI.new("query", create_env_table(req, origin), StringIO.new(req.body || "")), ActionController::CgiRequest::DEFAULT_SESSION_OPTIONS, data ) header, body = extract_header_and_body(data) set_charset(header) assign_status(res, header) res.cookies.concat(header.delete('set-cookie')) header.each { |key, val| res[key] = val.join(", ") } res.body = body return true rescue => err p err, err.backtrace return false end private def create_env_table(req, origin) env = req.meta_vars.clone env.delete "SCRIPT_NAME" env["QUERY_STRING"] = req.request_uri.query env["REQUEST_URI"] = origin if origin return env end def extract_header_and_body(data) data.rewind data = data.read raw_header, body = *data.split(/^[\xd\xa]+/on, 2) header = WEBrick::HTTPUtils::parse_header(raw_header) return header, body end def set_charset(header) ct = header["content-type"] if ct.any? { |x| x =~ /^text\// } && ! ct.any? { |x| x =~ /charset=/ } ch = @server_options[:charset] || "UTF-8" ct.find { |x| x =~ /^text\// } << ("; charset=" + ch) end end def assign_status(res, header) if /^(\d+)/ =~ header['status'][0] res.status = $1.to_i header.delete('status') end end end