desc "Lock this application to the current gems (by unpacking them into vendor/rails)" task :freeze_gems do rm_rf "vendor/rails" mkdir_p "vendor/rails" for gem in %w( actionpack activerecord actionmailer activesupport actionwebservice ) system "cd vendor/rails; gem unpack #{gem}""vendor/rails/#{gem}*").first, "vendor/rails/#{gem}") end system "cd vendor/rails; gem unpack rails""vendor/rails/rails*").first, "vendor/rails/railties") end desc "Lock this application to the Edge Rails (by exporting from Subversion). Defaults to svn HEAD; do 'rake freeze_edge REVISION=1234' to lock to a specific revision." task :freeze_edge do $verbose = false `svn --version` unless $?.success? $stderr.puts "ERROR: Must have subversion (svn) available in the PATH to lock this application to Edge Rails" exit 1 end rm_rf "vendor/rails" mkdir_p "vendor/rails" revision_switch = ENV['REVISION'] ? " -r #{ENV['REVISION']}" : '' for framework in %w( railties actionpack activerecord actionmailer activesupport actionwebservice ) mkdir_p "vendor/rails/#{framework}" system "svn export{framework}/lib vendor/rails/#{framework}/lib #{revision_switch}" end end desc "Unlock this application from freeze of gems or edge and return to a fluid use of system gems" task :unfreeze_rails do rm_rf "vendor/rails" end