Description: The web service generator creates the controller and API definition for a web service. The generator takes a web service name and a list of API methods as arguments. The web service name may be given in CamelCase or under_score and should contain no extra suffixes. To create a web service within a module, specify the web service name as 'module/webservice'. The generator creates a controller class in app/controllers, an API definition in app/apis, and a functional test suite in test/functional. Example: ./script/generate web_service User add edit list remove User web service. Controller: app/controllers/user_controller.rb API: app/apis/user_api.rb Test: test/functional/user_api_test.rb Modules Example: ./script/generate web_service 'api/registration' register renew Registration web service. Controller: app/controllers/api/registration_controller.rb API: app/apis/api/registration_api.rb Test: test/functional/api/registration_api_test.rb