require "ostruct" require "optparse" require "rake/file_list" require "method_source" module Rails class TestRunner class Options def self.parse(args) options = { backtrace: !ENV["BACKTRACE"].nil?, name: nil, environment: "test" } opt_parser = do |opts| opts.banner = "Usage: bin/rails test [options] [file or directory]" opts.separator "" opts.on("-e", "--environment [ENV]", "run tests in the ENV environment") do |env| options[:environment] = env.strip end opts.separator "" opts.separator "Filter options:" opts.separator "" opts.separator <<-DESC You can run a single test by appending the line number to filename: bin/rails test test/models/user_test.rb:27 DESC opts.on("-n", "--name [NAME]", "Only run tests matching NAME") do |name| options[:name] = name end opts.on("-p", "--pattern [PATTERN]", "Only run tests matching PATTERN") do |pattern| options[:name] = "/#{pattern}/" end opts.separator "" opts.separator "Output options:" opts.on("-b", "--backtrace", "show the complte backtrace") do options[:backtrace] = true end opts.separator "" opts.separator "Common options:" opts.on_tail("-h", "--help", "Show this message") do puts opts exit end end opt_parser.order!(args) options[:patterns] = [] while arg = args.shift if (file_and_line = arg.split(':')).size > 1 options[:filename], options[:line] = file_and_line options[:filename] = File.expand_path options[:filename] options[:line] &&= options[:line].to_i else arg = arg.gsub(':', '') if Dir.exists?("#{arg}") options[:patterns] << File.expand_path("#{arg}/**/*_test.rb") elsif File.file?(arg) options[:patterns] << File.expand_path(arg) end end end options end end def initialize(options = {}) @options = options end def options = Rails::TestRunner::Options.parse(arguments) end def run $rails_test_runner = self ENV["RAILS_ENV"] = @options[:environment] run_tests end def find_method return @options[:name] if @options[:name] return unless @options[:line] method = test_methods.find do |location, test_method, start_line, end_line| location == @options[:filename] && (start_line..end_line).include?(@options[:line].to_i) end method[1] if method end def show_backtrace? @options[:backtrace] end def test_files return [@options[:filename]] if @options[:filename] if @options[:patterns] && @options[:patterns].count > 0 pattern = @options[:patterns] else pattern = "test/**/*_test.rb" end Rake::FileList[pattern] end private def run_tests test_files.to_a.each do |file| require File.expand_path file end end def test_methods methods_map = [] suites = Minitest::Runnable.runnables.shuffle suites.each do |suite_class| suite_class.runnable_methods.each do |test_method| method = suite_class.instance_method(test_method) location = method.source_location start_line = location.last end_line = method.source.split("\n").size + start_line - 1 methods_map << [File.expand_path(location.first), test_method, start_line, end_line] end end methods_map end end end