# frozen_string_literal: true indent = " " * 2 ensure_classic_mode = ->() do if Rails.autoloaders.zeitwerk_enabled? abort <<~EOS Please, enable temporarily :classic mode: # config/application.rb config.autoloader = :classic and try again. When all is good, you can delete that line. EOS end end eager_load = ->() do Rails.configuration.eager_load_namespaces.each(&:eager_load!) end check_directory = ->(directory, parent, mismatches) do # test/mailers/previews might not exist. return unless File.exist?(directory) Dir.foreach(directory) do |entry| next if entry.start_with?(".") next if parent == Object && entry == "concerns" abspath = File.join(directory, entry) if File.directory?(abspath) || abspath.end_with?(".rb") print "." cname = File.basename(abspath, ".rb").camelize.to_sym if parent.const_defined?(cname, false) if File.directory?(abspath) check_directory[abspath, parent.const_get(cname), mismatches] end else mismatches << [abspath, parent, cname] end end end end report_mismatches = ->(mismatches) do puts rails_root_prefix_re = %r{\A#{Regexp.escape(Rails.root.to_path)}/} mismatches.each do |abspath, parent, cname| relpath = abspath.sub(rails_root_prefix_re, "") cpath = parent == Object ? cname : "#{parent.name}::#{cname}" puts indent + "Mismatch: Expected #{relpath} to define #{cpath}" end puts puts <<~EOS Please revise the reported mismatches. You can normally fix them by adding acronyms to config/initializers/inflections.rb or renaming the constants. EOS end report_not_checked = ->(not_checked) do puts puts <<~EOS WARNING: The files in these directories cannot be checked because they are not eager loaded: EOS puts not_checked.each { |dir| puts indent + dir } puts puts <<~EOS You may verify them manually, or add them to config.eager_load_paths in config/application.rb and run zeitwerk:check again. EOS end report = ->(mismatches, not_checked) do puts if mismatches.empty? && not_checked.empty? puts "All is good!" puts "Please, remember to delete `config.autoloader = :classic` from config/application.rb." else report_mismatches[mismatches] if mismatches.any? report_not_checked[not_checked] if not_checked.any? end end namespace :zeitwerk do desc "Checks project structure for Zeitwerk compatibility" task check: :environment do ensure_classic_mode[] eager_load[] eager_load_paths = Rails.configuration.eager_load_namespaces.map do |eln| eln.config.eager_load_paths if eln.respond_to?(:config) end.compact.flatten mismatches = [] $stdout.sync = true eager_load_paths.each do |eager_load_path| check_directory[eager_load_path, Object, mismatches] end not_checked = ActiveSupport::Dependencies.autoload_paths - eager_load_paths not_checked.select! { |dir| Dir.exist?(dir) } not_checked.reject! { |dir| Dir.empty?(dir) } report[mismatches, not_checked] end end