namespace :log do ## # Truncates all/specified log files # ENV['LOGS'] # - defaults to standard environment log files i.e. 'development,test,production' # - ENV['LOGS']=all truncates all files i.e. log/*.log # - ENV['LOGS']='test,development' truncates only specified files desc "Truncates all/specified *.log files in log/ to zero bytes (specify which logs with LOGS=test,development)" task :clear do log_files.each do |file| clear_log_file(file) end end def log_files if ENV["LOGS"] == "all" FileList["log/*.log"] elsif ENV["LOGS"] log_files_to_truncate(ENV["LOGS"]) else log_files_to_truncate("development,test,production") end end def log_files_to_truncate(envs) envs.split(",") .map { |file| "log/#{file.strip}.log" } .select { |file| File.exist?(file) } end def clear_log_file(file) f =, "w") f.close end end