module Rails module Initializable def self.included(klass) klass.instance_eval do extend Rails::Initializable extend Rails::Initializable::ClassMethodsWhenIncluded include Rails::Initializable::InstanceMethodsWhenIncluded end end def self.extended(klass) klass.extend Initializer end class Collection < Array def initialize(klasses) klasses.each do |klass| (klass.added_initializers || []).each do |initializer| index = if initializer.before index_for(initializer.before) elsif initializer.after index_for(initializer.after) + 1 else length end insert(index, initializer) end end end def index_for(name) inst = find {|i| == name } inst && index(inst) end end attr_reader :added_initializers # When you include Rails::Initializable, this method will be on instances # of the class included into. When you extend it, it will be on the # class or module itself. # # The #initializers method is set up to return the right list of # initializers for the context in question. def run_initializers return if @_initialized initializers.each {|initializer| instance_eval(&initializer.block) } @_initialized = true end module Initializer Initializer =, :before, :after, :block, :global) def all_initializers klasses = {|klass| klass.is_a?(Initializable) }.reverse initializers = end alias initializers all_initializers def initializer(name, options = {}, &block) @added_initializers ||= [] @added_initializers <<, options[:before], options[:after], block, options[:global]) end end module ClassMethodsWhenIncluded def initializers {|i| == true } end end module InstanceMethodsWhenIncluded def initializers self.class.all_initializers.reject {|i| == true } end end end extend Initializable # Check for valid Ruby version (1.8.2 or 1.8.4 or higher). This is done in an # external file, so we can use it from the `rails` program as well without duplication. initializer :check_ruby_version do require 'rails/ruby_version_check' end # For Ruby 1.8, this initialization sets $KCODE to 'u' to enable the # multibyte safe operations. Plugin authors supporting other encodings # should override this behaviour and set the relevant +default_charset+ # on ActionController::Base. # # For Ruby 1.9, UTF-8 is the default internal and external encoding. initializer :initialize_encoding do if RUBY_VERSION < '1.9' $KCODE='u' else Encoding.default_external = Encoding::UTF_8 end end end