# frozen_string_literal: true require "cgi" module Rails # This module helps build the runtime properties that are displayed in # Rails::InfoController responses. These include the active Rails version, # Ruby version, Rack version, and so on. module Info mattr_accessor :properties, default: [] class << @@properties def names map(&:first) end def value_for(property_name) if property = assoc(property_name) property.last end end end class << self #:nodoc: def property(name, value = nil) value ||= yield properties << [name, value] if value rescue Exception end def to_s column_width = properties.names.map(&:length).max info = properties.map do |name, value| value = value.join(", ") if value.is_a?(Array) "%-#{column_width}s %s" % [name, value] end info.unshift "About your application's environment" info * "\n" end alias inspect to_s def to_html (+"<table>").tap do |table| properties.each do |(name, value)| table << %(<tr><td class="name">#{CGI.escapeHTML(name.to_s)}</td>) formatted_value = if value.kind_of?(Array) "<ul>" + value.map { |v| "<li>#{CGI.escapeHTML(v.to_s)}</li>" }.join + "</ul>" else CGI.escapeHTML(value.to_s) end table << %(<td class="value">#{formatted_value}</td></tr>) end table << "</table>" end end end # The Rails version. property "Rails version" do Rails.version.to_s end # The Ruby version and platform, e.g. "2.0.0-p247 (x86_64-darwin12.4.0)". property "Ruby version" do RUBY_DESCRIPTION end # The RubyGems version, if it's installed. property "RubyGems version" do Gem::RubyGemsVersion end property "Rack version" do ::Rack.release end property "JavaScript Runtime" do ExecJS.runtime.name end property "Middleware" do Rails.configuration.middleware.map(&:inspect) end # The application's location on the filesystem. property "Application root" do File.expand_path(Rails.root) end # The current Rails environment (development, test, or production). property "Environment" do Rails.env end # The name of the database adapter for the current environment. property "Database adapter" do ActiveRecord::Base.configurations[Rails.env]["adapter"] end property "Database schema version" do ActiveRecord::Base.connection.migration_context.current_version rescue nil end end end