require 'rails/generators/app_base' module Rails module ActionMethods # :nodoc: attr_reader :options def initialize(generator) @generator = generator @options = generator.options end private %w(template copy_file directory empty_directory inside empty_directory_with_keep_file create_file chmod shebang).each do |method| class_eval <<-RUBY, __FILE__, __LINE__ + 1 def #{method}(*args, &block) @generator.send(:#{method}, *args, &block) end RUBY end # TODO: Remove once this is fully in place def method_missing(meth, *args, &block) @generator.send(meth, *args, &block) end end # The application builder allows you to override elements of the application # generator without being forced to reverse the operations of the default # generator. # # This allows you to override entire operations, like the creation of the # Gemfile, README, or JavaScript files, without needing to know exactly # what those operations do so you can create another template action. class AppBuilder def rakefile template "Rakefile" end def readme copy_file "README.rdoc", "README.rdoc" end def gemfile template "Gemfile" end def configru template "" end def gitignore template "gitignore", ".gitignore" end def app directory 'app' keep_file 'app/assets/images' keep_file 'app/mailers' keep_file 'app/models' keep_file 'app/controllers/concerns' keep_file 'app/models/concerns' end def bin directory "bin" do |content| "#{shebang}\n" + content end chmod "bin", 0755 & ~File.umask, verbose: false end def config empty_directory "config" inside "config" do template "routes.rb" template "application.rb" template "environment.rb" template "secrets.yml" directory "environments" directory "initializers" directory "locales" end end def database_yml template "config/databases/#{options[:database]}.yml", "config/database.yml" end def db directory "db" end def lib empty_directory 'lib' empty_directory_with_keep_file 'lib/tasks' empty_directory_with_keep_file 'lib/assets' end def log empty_directory_with_keep_file 'log' end def public_directory directory "public", "public", recursive: false end def test empty_directory_with_keep_file 'test/fixtures' empty_directory_with_keep_file 'test/controllers' empty_directory_with_keep_file 'test/mailers' empty_directory_with_keep_file 'test/models' empty_directory_with_keep_file 'test/helpers' empty_directory_with_keep_file 'test/integration' template 'test/test_helper.rb' end def tmp empty_directory "tmp/cache" empty_directory "tmp/cache/assets" end def vendor vendor_javascripts vendor_stylesheets end def vendor_javascripts unless options[:skip_javascript] empty_directory_with_keep_file 'vendor/assets/javascripts' end end def vendor_stylesheets empty_directory_with_keep_file 'vendor/assets/stylesheets' end end module Generators # We need to store the RAILS_DEV_PATH in a constant, otherwise the path # can change in Ruby 1.8.7 when we RAILS_DEV_PATH = File.expand_path("../../../../../..", File.dirname(__FILE__)) RESERVED_NAMES = %w[application destroy plugin runner test] class AppGenerator < AppBase # :nodoc: add_shared_options_for "application" # Add bin/rails options class_option :version, type: :boolean, aliases: "-v", group: :rails, desc: "Show Rails version number and quit" def initialize(*args) super unless app_path raise Error, "Application name should be provided in arguments. For details run: rails --help" end if !options[:skip_active_record] && !DATABASES.include?(options[:database]) raise Error, "Invalid value for --database option. Supported for preconfiguration are: #{DATABASES.join(", ")}." end end public_task :set_default_accessors! public_task :create_root def create_root_files build(:readme) build(:rakefile) build(:configru) build(:gitignore) unless options[:skip_git] build(:gemfile) unless options[:skip_gemfile] end def create_app_files build(:app) end def create_bin_files build(:bin) end def create_config_files build(:config) end def create_boot_file template "config/boot.rb" end def create_active_record_files return if options[:skip_active_record] build(:database_yml) end def create_db_files build(:db) end def create_lib_files build(:lib) end def create_log_files build(:log) end def create_public_files build(:public_directory) end def create_test_files build(:test) unless options[:skip_test_unit] end def create_tmp_files build(:tmp) end def create_vendor_files build(:vendor) end def delete_js_folder_skipping_javascript if options[:skip_javascript] remove_dir 'app/assets/javascripts' end end def finish_template build(:leftovers) end public_task :apply_rails_template, :run_bundle public_task :generate_spring_binstubs protected def self.banner "rails new #{' ')} [options]" end # Define file as an alias to create_file for backwards compatibility. def file(*args, &block) create_file(*args, &block) end def app_name @app_name ||= (defined_app_const_base? ? defined_app_name : File.basename(destination_root)).tr('\\', '').tr(". ", "_") end def defined_app_name defined_app_const_base.underscore end def defined_app_const_base Rails.respond_to?(:application) && defined?(Rails::Application) && Rails.application.is_a?(Rails::Application) &&$/, "") end alias :defined_app_const_base? :defined_app_const_base def app_const_base @app_const_base ||= defined_app_const_base || app_name.gsub(/\W/, '_').squeeze('_').camelize end alias :camelized :app_const_base def app_const @app_const ||= "#{app_const_base}::Application" end def valid_const? if app_const =~ /^\d/ raise Error, "Invalid application name #{app_name}. Please give a name which does not start with numbers." elsif RESERVED_NAMES.include?(app_name) raise Error, "Invalid application name #{app_name}. Please give a name which does not match one of the reserved rails words." elsif Object.const_defined?(app_const_base) raise Error, "Invalid application name #{app_name}, constant #{app_const_base} is already in use. Please choose another application name." end end def app_secret SecureRandom.hex(64) end def mysql_socket @mysql_socket ||= [ "/tmp/mysql.sock", # default "/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock", # debian/gentoo "/var/tmp/mysql.sock", # freebsd "/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock", # fedora "/opt/local/lib/mysql/mysql.sock", # fedora "/opt/local/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock", # mac + darwinports + mysql "/opt/local/var/run/mysql4/mysqld.sock", # mac + darwinports + mysql4 "/opt/local/var/run/mysql5/mysqld.sock", # mac + darwinports + mysql5 "/opt/lampp/var/mysql/mysql.sock" # xampp for linux ].find { |f| File.exist?(f) } unless RbConfig::CONFIG['host_os'] =~ /mswin|mingw/ end def get_builder_class defined?(::AppBuilder) ? ::AppBuilder : Rails::AppBuilder end end # This class handles preparation of the arguments before the AppGenerator is # called. The class provides version or help information if they were # requested, and also constructs the railsrc file (used for extra configuration # options). # # This class should be called before the AppGenerator is required and started # since it configures and mutates ARGV correctly. class ARGVScrubber # :nodoc def initialize(argv = ARGV) @argv = argv end def prepare! handle_version_request!(@argv.first) handle_invalid_command!(@argv.first, @argv) do handle_rails_rc!(@argv.drop(1)) end end def self.default_rc_file File.expand_path('~/.railsrc') end private def handle_version_request!(argument) if ['--version', '-v'].include?(argument) require 'rails/version' puts "Rails #{Rails::VERSION::STRING}" exit(0) end end def handle_invalid_command!(argument, argv) if argument == "new" yield else ['--help'] + argv.drop(1) end end def handle_rails_rc!(argv) if argv.find { |arg| arg == '--no-rc' } argv.reject { |arg| arg == '--no-rc' } else railsrc(argv) { |rc_argv, rc| insert_railsrc_into_argv!(rc_argv, rc) } end end def railsrc(argv) if (customrc = argv.index{ |x| x.include?("--rc=") }) fname = File.expand_path(argv[customrc].gsub(/--rc=/, "")) yield(argv.take(customrc) + argv.drop(customrc + 1), fname) else yield argv, self.class.default_rc_file end end def read_rc_file(railsrc) extra_args = File.readlines(railsrc).flat_map(&:split) puts "Using #{extra_args.join(" ")} from #{railsrc}" extra_args end def insert_railsrc_into_argv!(argv, railsrc) return argv unless File.exist?(railsrc) extra_args = read_rc_file railsrc argv.take(1) + extra_args + argv.drop(1) end end end end