require 'active_support/ordered_options' module Rails # Temporarily separate the plugin configuration class from the main # configuration class while this bit is being cleaned up. class Railtie::Configuration def self.default @default ||= new end def self.default_middleware_stack do |middleware| middleware.use('ActionDispatch::Static', lambda { Rails.public_path }, :if => lambda { Rails.application.config.serve_static_assets }) middleware.use('::Rack::Lock', :if => lambda { !ActionController::Base.allow_concurrency }) middleware.use('::Rack::Runtime') middleware.use('ActionDispatch::ShowExceptions', lambda { ActionController::Base.consider_all_requests_local }) middleware.use('ActionDispatch::Notifications') middleware.use('ActionDispatch::Callbacks', lambda { ActionController::Dispatcher.prepare_each_request }) middleware.use('ActionDispatch::Cookies') middleware.use(lambda { ActionController::Base.session_store }, lambda { ActionController::Base.session_options }) middleware.use('ActionDispatch::Flash', :if => lambda { ActionController::Base.session_store }) middleware.use('ActionDispatch::ParamsParser') middleware.use('::Rack::MethodOverride') middleware.use('::ActionDispatch::Head') end end attr_reader :middleware def initialize(base = nil) if base @options = base.options.dup @middleware = base.middleware.dup else @options = { |h,k| h[k] = } @middleware = self.class.default_middleware_stack end end def respond_to?(name) super || name.to_s =~ config_key_regexp end protected attr_reader :options private def method_missing(name, *args, &blk) if name.to_s =~ config_key_regexp return $2 == '=' ? @options[$1] = args.first : @options[$1] end super end def config_key_regexp bits = { |n| Regexp.escape(n.to_s) }.join('|') /^(#{bits})(?:=)?$/ end def config_keys ([ :active_support, :action_view ] + Railtie.plugin_names).map { |n| n.to_s }.uniq end end class Configuration < Railtie::Configuration attr_accessor :after_initialize_blocks, :cache_classes, :colorize_logging, :consider_all_requests_local, :dependency_loading, :load_once_paths, :logger, :metals, :plugins, :preload_frameworks, :reload_plugins, :serve_static_assets, :time_zone, :whiny_nils attr_writer :cache_store, :controller_paths, :database_configuration_file, :eager_load_paths, :i18n, :load_paths, :log_level, :log_path, :paths, :routes_configuration_file, :view_path def initialize(base = nil) super @load_once_paths = [] @after_initialize_blocks = [] @dependency_loading = true @serve_static_assets = true end def after_initialize(&blk) @after_initialize_blocks << blk if blk end def root @root ||= begin call_stack = { |p| p.split(':').first } root_path = call_stack.detect { |p| p !~ %r[railties/lib/rails|rack/lib/rack] } root_path = File.dirname(root_path) while root_path && && !File.exist?("#{root_path}/") parent = File.dirname(root_path) root_path = parent != root_path && parent end root = File.exist?("#{root_path}/") ? root_path : Dir.pwd RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /(:?mswin|mingw)/ ? : end end def root=(root) @root = end def paths @paths ||= begin paths = "app", :load_path => true "app/metal", :eager_load => true "app/models", :eager_load => true "app/controllers", builtin_directories, :eager_load => true "app/helpers", :eager_load => true "app/services", :load_path => true paths.lib "lib", :load_path => true paths.vendor "vendor", :load_path => true paths.vendor.plugins "vendor/plugins" paths.tmp "tmp" paths.tmp.cache "tmp/cache" paths.config "config" paths.config.locales "config/locales" paths.config.environments "config/environments", :glob => "#{Rails.env}.rb" paths end end def frameworks(*args) raise "config.frameworks in no longer supported. See the generated " \ "config/boot.rb for steps on how to limit the frameworks that " \ "will be loaded" end alias frameworks= frameworks # Enable threaded mode. Allows concurrent requests to controller actions and # multiple database connections. Also disables automatic dependency loading # after boot, and disables reloading code on every request, as these are # fundamentally incompatible with thread safety. def threadsafe! self.preload_frameworks = true self.cache_classes = true self.dependency_loading = false if respond_to?(:action_controller) action_controller.allow_concurrency = true end self end # Loads and returns the contents of the #database_configuration_file. The # contents of the file are processed via ERB before being sent through # YAML::load. def database_configuration require 'erb' YAML::load( end def routes_configuration_file @routes_configuration_file ||= File.join(root, 'config', 'routes.rb') end def builtin_routes_configuration_file @builtin_routes_configuration_file ||= File.join(RAILTIES_PATH, 'builtin', 'routes.rb') end def controller_paths @controller_paths ||= begin paths = [File.join(root, 'app', 'controllers')] paths.concat builtin_directories paths end end def cache_store @cache_store ||= begin if File.exist?("#{root}/tmp/cache/") [ :file_store, "#{root}/tmp/cache/" ] else :memory_store end end end def database_configuration_file @database_configuration_file ||= File.join(root, 'config', 'database.yml') end def view_path @view_path ||= File.join(root, 'app', 'views') end def eager_load_paths @eager_load_paths ||= %w( app/metal app/models app/controllers app/helpers ).map { |dir| "#{root}/#{dir}" }.select { |dir| } end def load_paths @load_paths ||= begin paths = [] # Add the old mock paths only if the directories exists paths.concat(Dir["#{root}/test/mocks/#{Rails.env}"]) if File.exists?("#{root}/test/mocks/#{Rails.env}") # Add the app's controller directory paths.concat(Dir["#{root}/app/controllers/"]) # Followed by the standard includes. paths.concat %w( app app/metal app/models app/controllers app/helpers app/services lib vendor ).map { |dir| "#{root}/#{dir}" }.select { |dir| } paths.concat builtin_directories end end def builtin_directories # Include builtins only in the development environment. Rails.env.development? ? Dir["#{RAILTIES_PATH}/builtin/*/"] : [] end def log_path @log_path ||= File.join(root, 'log', "#{Rails.env}.log") end def log_level @log_level ||= Rails.env.production? ? :info : :debug end def time_zone @time_zone ||= "UTC" end def i18n @i18n ||= begin i18n = i18n.load_path = [] if File.exist?(File.join(root, 'config', 'locales')) i18n.load_path << Dir[File.join(root, 'config', 'locales', '*.{rb,yml}')] i18n.load_path.flatten! end i18n end end def environment_path "#{root}/config/environments/#{Rails.env}.rb" end # Holds generators configuration: # # config.generators do |g| # g.orm :datamapper, :migration => true # g.template_engine :haml # g.test_framework :rspec # end # # If you want to disable color in console, do: # # config.generators.colorize_logging = false # def generators @generators ||= if block_given? yield @generators else @generators end end # Allow Notifications queue to be modified or add subscriptions: # # config.notifications.queue = # # config.notifications.subscribe /action_dispatch.show_exception/ do |*args| # ExceptionDeliver.deliver_exception(args) # end # def notifications ActiveSupport::Notifications end class Generators #:nodoc: attr_accessor :aliases, :options, :colorize_logging def initialize @aliases = { |h,k| h[k] = {} } @options = { |h,k| h[k] = {} } @colorize_logging = true end def method_missing(method, *args) method = method.to_s.sub(/=$/, '').to_sym if method == :rails namespace, configuration = :rails, args.shift elsif args.first.is_a?(Hash) namespace, configuration = method, args.shift else namespace, configuration = args.shift, args.shift @options[:rails][method] = namespace end if configuration aliases = configuration.delete(:aliases) @aliases[namespace].merge!(aliases) if aliases @options[namespace].merge!(configuration) end end end end end