require 'optparse' require 'irb' require 'irb/completion' require 'rails/commands/console_helper' module Rails class Console include ConsoleHelper class << self def parse_arguments(arguments) options = {} do |opt| opt.banner = "Usage: rails console [environment] [options]" opt.on('-s', '--sandbox', 'Rollback database modifications on exit.') { |v| options[:sandbox] = v } opt.on("-e", "--environment=name", String, "Specifies the environment to run this console under (test/development/production).", "Default: development") { |v| options[:environment] = v.strip } opt.parse!(arguments) end set_options_env(arguments, options) end end attr_reader :options, :app, :console def initialize(app, options={}) @app = app @options = options app.sandbox = sandbox? app.load_console @console = app.config.console || IRB end def sandbox? options[:sandbox] end def environment options[:environment] ||= super end alias_method :environment?, :environment def set_environment! Rails.env = environment end def start set_environment! if environment? if sandbox? puts "Loading #{Rails.env} environment in sandbox (Rails #{Rails.version})" puts "Any modifications you make will be rolled back on exit" else puts "Loading #{Rails.env} environment (Rails #{Rails.version})" end if defined?(console::ExtendCommandBundle) console::ExtendCommandBundle.include(Rails::ConsoleMethods) end console.start end end end