require 'rdoc/task' module Rails module API class Task < RDoc::Task RDOC_FILES = { 'activesupport' => { :include => %w( README.rdoc lib/active_support/**/*.rb ), :exclude => 'lib/active_support/vendor/*' }, 'activerecord' => { :include => %w( README.rdoc lib/active_record/**/*.rb ), :exclude => 'lib/active_record/vendor/*' }, 'activemodel' => { :include => %w( README.rdoc lib/active_model/**/*.rb ) }, 'actionpack' => { :include => %w( README.rdoc lib/abstract_controller/**/*.rb lib/action_controller/**/*.rb lib/action_dispatch/**/*.rb lib/action_view/**/*.rb ), :exclude => 'lib/action_controller/vendor/*' }, 'actionmailer' => { :include => %w( README.rdoc lib/action_mailer/**/*.rb ), :exclude => 'lib/action_mailer/vendor/*' }, 'railties' => { :include => %w( README.rdoc MIT-LICENSE lib/**/*.rb ) } } def initialize(name) super # Every time rake runs this task is instantiated as all the rest. # Be lazy computing stuff to have as light impact as possible to # the rest of tasks. before_running_rdoc do load_and_configure_sdoc configure_rdoc_files setup_horo_variables end end # Hack, ignore the desc calls performed by the original initializer. def desc(description) # no-op end def load_and_configure_sdoc require 'sdoc' self.title = 'Ruby on Rails API' self.rdoc_dir = api_dir options << '-m' << api_main options << '-e' << 'UTF-8' options << '-f' << 'sdoc' options << '-T' << 'rails' rescue LoadError $stderr.puts %(Unable to load SDoc, please add\n\n gem 'sdoc', require: false\n\nto the Gemfile.) exit 1 end def configure_rdoc_files rdoc_files.include(api_main) RDOC_FILES.each do |component, cfg| cdr = component_root_dir(component) Array(cfg[:include]).each do |pattern| rdoc_files.include("#{cdr}/#{pattern}") end Array(cfg[:exclude]).each do |pattern| rdoc_files.exclude("#{cdr}/#{pattern}") end end end def setup_horo_variables ENV['HORO_PROJECT_NAME'] = 'Ruby on Rails' ENV['HORO_PROJECT_VERSION'] = rails_version end def api_main component_root_dir('railties') + '/RDOC_MAIN.rdoc' end end class RepoTask < Task def load_and_configure_sdoc super options << '-g' # link to GitHub, SDoc flag end def component_root_dir(component) component end def api_dir 'doc/rdoc' end def rails_version "master@#{`git rev-parse HEAD`[0, 7]}" end end class AppTask < Task def component_root_dir(gem_name) $:.grep(%r{#{gem_name}[\w.-]*/lib\z}).first[0..-5] end def api_dir 'doc/api' end def rails_version Rails::VERSION::STRING end end end end