module Rails module Generators class PluginGenerator < NamedBase class_option :with_tasks, :type => :boolean, :aliases => "-r", :default => false, :desc => "When supplied creates tasks base files." class_option :with_generator, :type => :boolean, :aliases => "-g", :default => false, :desc => "When supplied creates generator base files." check_class_collision def create_root self.root = File.expand_path("vendor/plugins/#{file_name}", root) empty_directory '.' if behavior == :invoke end def create_root_files %w(README MIT-LICENSE Rakefile init.rb install.rb uninstall.rb).each do |file| template file end end def create_lib_files directory 'lib' end hook_for :test_framework def create_tasks_files return unless options[:with_tasks] directory 'tasks' end def create_generator_files return unless options[:with_generator] directory 'generators' end # Work around for generator to work on revoke. If we remove the root # folder at the beginning, it will raise an error since # will move to a non-existent folder. # def remove_on_revoke return unless behavior == :revoke"../../..") empty_directory "vendor/plugins/#{file_name}" end end end end