require 'digest/md5' require 'active_support/secure_random' module Rails::Generators class AppGenerator < Base DATABASES = %w( mysql oracle postgresql sqlite2 sqlite3 frontbase ibm_db ) add_shebang_option! argument :app_path, :type => :string class_option :database, :type => :string, :aliases => "-d", :default => "sqlite3", :desc => "Preconfigure for selected database (options: #{DATABASES.join('/')})" class_option :freeze, :type => :boolean, :aliases => "-F", :default => false, :desc => "Freeze Rails in vendor/rails from the gems" class_option :template, :type => :string, :aliases => "-m", :desc => "Path to an application template (can be a filesystem path or URL)." class_option :with_dispatchers, :type => :boolean, :aliases => "-D", :default => false, :desc => "Add CGI/FastCGI/mod_ruby dispatchers code" class_option :skip_activerecord, :type => :boolean, :aliases => "-O", :default => false, :desc => "Skip ActiveRecord files" class_option :skip_testunit, :type => :boolean, :aliases => "-T", :default => false, :desc => "Skip TestUnit files" class_option :skip_prototype, :type => :boolean, :aliases => "-J", :default => false, :desc => "Skip Prototype files" # Add Rails options # class_option :version, :type => :boolean, :aliases => "-v", :group => :rails, :desc => "Show Rails version number and quit" class_option :help, :type => :boolean, :aliases => "-h", :group => :rails, :desc => "Show this help message and quit" def initialize(*args) super if !options[:no_activerecord] && !DATABASES.include?(options[:database]) raise Error, "Invalid value for --database option. Supported for preconfiguration are: #{DATABASES.join(", ")}." end end def create_root self.root = File.expand_path(app_path, root) empty_directory '.' app_name # Sets the app name end def create_root_files copy_file "Rakefile" copy_file "README" end def create_app_files directory "app" end def create_config_files empty_directory "config" inside "config" do copy_file "boot.rb" copy_file "routes.rb" template "environment.rb" directory "environments" directory "initializers" directory "locales" end end def create_activerecord_files return if options[:skip_activerecord] template "config/databases/#{options[:database]}.yml", "config/database.yml" end def create_db_files directory "db" end def create_doc_files directory "doc" end def create_lib_files empty_directory "lib" empty_directory "lib/tasks" end def create_log_files empty_directory "log" inside "log" do %w( server production development test ).each do |file| create_file "#{file}.log" chmod "#{file}.log", 0666, false end end end def create_public_files directory "public", "public", false # Non-recursive. Do small steps, so anyone can overwrite it. end def create_dispatch_files return unless options[:with_dispatchers] copy_file "dispatchers/", "" template "dispatchers/dispatch.rb", "public/dispatch.rb" chmod "public/dispatch.rb", 0755, false template "dispatchers/dispatch.rb", "public/dispatch.cgi" chmod "public/dispatch.cgi", 0755, false template "dispatchers/dispatch.fcgi", "public/dispatch.fcgi" chmod "public/dispatch.fcgi", 0755, false end def create_public_image_files directory "public/images" end def create_public_stylesheets_files directory "public/stylesheets" end def create_prototype_files return if options[:skip_prototype] directory "public/javascripts" end def create_script_files directory "script" chmod "script", 0755, false end def create_test_files return if options[:skip_testunit] directory "test" end def create_tmp_files empty_directory "tmp" inside "tmp" do %w(sessions sockets cache pids).each do |dir| empty_directory dir end end end def create_vendor_files empty_directory "vendor/plugins" end def apply_rails_template apply options[:template] if options[:template] rescue LoadError, Errno::ENOENT => e raise Error, "The template [#{options[:template]}] could not be loaded. Error: #{e}" end def freeze? freeze! if options[:freeze] end protected # Define file as an alias to create_file for backwards compatibility. # TODO Add deprecation warning? # def file(*args, &block) create_file(*args, &block) end def app_name @app_name ||= File.basename(root) end def app_secret ActiveSupport::SecureRandom.hex(64) end def self.banner "#{$0} #{' ')} [options]" end def mysql_socket @mysql_socket ||= [ "/tmp/mysql.sock", # default "/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock", # debian/gentoo "/var/tmp/mysql.sock", # freebsd "/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock", # fedora "/opt/local/lib/mysql/mysql.sock", # fedora "/opt/local/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock", # mac + darwinports + mysql "/opt/local/var/run/mysql4/mysqld.sock", # mac + darwinports + mysql4 "/opt/local/var/run/mysql5/mysqld.sock", # mac + darwinports + mysql5 "/opt/lampp/var/mysql/mysql.sock" # xampp for linux ].find { |f| File.exist?(f) } unless RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /(:?mswin|mingw)/ end end end