require 'generators/actions' module Rails module Generators DEFAULTS = { :fixture => true, :helper => true, :migration => true, :orm => 'active_record', :test_framework => 'test_unit', :template_engine => 'erb', :timestamps => true } ALIASES = { :fixture_replacement => '-r', :helper => '-l', :orm => '-o', :test_framework => '-t', :template_engine => '-e' } class Error < Thor::Error end class Base < Thor::Group include Rails::Generators::Actions include Thor::Actions # Automatically sets the source root based on the class name. # def self.source_root @source_root ||= File.expand_path(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), base_name, generator_name, 'templates')) end # Tries to get the description from a USAGE file one folder above the source # root otherwise uses a default description. # def self.desc(description=nil) return super if description usage = File.expand_path(File.join(source_root, "..", "USAGE")) @desc ||= if File.exist?(usage) else "Description:\n Create #{base_name.humanize.downcase} files for #{generator_name} generator." end end # Convenience method to get the namespace from the class name. It's the # same as Thor default except that the Generator at the end of the class # is removed. # def self.namespace(name=nil) return super if name @namespace ||= super.sub(/_generator$/, '') end # Invoke a generator based on the value supplied by the user to the # given option named "name". A class option is created when this method # is invoked and you can set a hash to customize it, although type and # default values cannot be given. # # ==== Examples # # class ControllerGenerator < Rails::Generators::Base # hook_for :test_framework, :aliases => "-t" # end # # The example above will create a test framework option and will invoke # a generator based on the user supplied value. # # For example, if the user invoke the controller generator as: # # ruby script/generate controller Account --test-framework=test_unit # # The controller generator will then try to invoke the following generators: # # "rails:generators:test_unit", "test_unit:generators:controller", "test_unit" # # In this case, the "test_unit:generators:controller" is available and is # invoked. This allows any test framework to hook into Rails as long as it # provides any of the hooks above. # # Finally, if the user don't want to use any test framework, he can do: # # ruby script/generate controller Account --skip-test-framework # # Or similarly: # # ruby script/generate controller Account --no-test-framework # def self.hook_for(*names) default_options = names.extract_options! verbose = default_options.key?(:verbose) ? default_options[:verbose] : :blue invocations.concat(names) names.each do |name| options = default_options.dup options[:desc] ||= "#{name.to_s.humanize} to be invoked" options[:banner] ||= "NAME" options[:aliases] ||= ALIASES[name] class_option name, options.merge!(:type => :default, :default => DEFAULTS[name]) class_eval <<-METHOD, __FILE__, __LINE__ def invoke_for_#{name} return unless options[#{name.inspect}] klass = Rails::Generators.find_by_namespace(options[#{name.inspect}], self.class.base_name, self.class.generator_name) if klass say_status :invoke, options[#{name.inspect}], #{verbose.inspect} invoke klass else say "Could not find and invoke '\#{options[#{name.inspect}]}'." end end METHOD end end # Invoke a generator with the given name if the user requires it. The # difference to hook_for is that the class option here is boolean # and the generator invoked is not based on user input. # # A class option is created when this method is invoked and you can set # a hash to customize it, although type and default values cannot be # given. # # ==== Examples # # class ControllerGenerator < Rails::Generators::Base # invoke_if :webrat, :aliases => "-w" # end # # The example above will create a helper option and will be invoked # when the user requires so: # # ruby script/generate controller Account --webrat # # The controller generator will then try to invoke the following generators: # # "rails:generators:webrat", "webrat:generators:controller", "webrat" # def self.invoke_if(*names) default_options = names.extract_options! verbose = default_options.key?(:verbose) ? default_options[:verbose] : :blue invocations.concat(names) names.each do |name| conditional_class_option name, default_options.dup class_eval <<-METHOD, __FILE__, __LINE__ def invoke_if_#{name} return unless options[#{name.inspect}] klass = Rails::Generators.find_by_namespace(#{name.inspect}, self.class.base_name, self.class.generator_name) if klass say_status :invoke, #{name.inspect}, #{verbose.inspect} invoke klass else say "Could not find and invoke '#{name}'." end end METHOD end end protected # Check whether the given class names are already taken by user # application or Ruby on Rails. # def class_collisions(*class_names) return unless behavior == :invoke class_names.flatten.each do |class_name| class_name = class_name.to_s next if class_name.strip.empty? # Split the class from its module nesting nesting = class_name.split('::') last_name = nesting.pop # Hack to limit const_defined? to non-inherited on 1.9 extra = [] extra << false unless Object.method(:const_defined?).arity == 1 # Extract the last Module in the nesting last = nesting.inject(Object) do |last, nest| break unless last.const_defined?(nest, *extra) last.const_get(nest) end if last && last.const_defined?(last_name.camelize, *extra) raise Error, "The name '#{class_name}' is either already used in your application " << "or reserved by Ruby on Rails. Please choose an alternative and run " << "this generator again." end end end # Use Rails default banner. # def self.banner "#{$0} #{generator_name} #{' ')} [options]" end # Sets the base_name taking into account the current class namespace. # def self.base_name @base_name ||='::').first.underscore end # Removes the namespaces and get the generator name. For example, # Rails::Generators::MetalGenerator will return "metal" as generator name. # def self.generator_name @generator_name ||= begin klass_name ='::').last klass_name.sub!(/Generator$/, '') klass_name.underscore end end # Stores invocations for this class merging with superclass values. # def self.invocations #:nodoc: @invocations ||= from_superclass(:invocations, []) end # Creates a conditional class option with type boolean, default value # lookup and default description. # def self.conditional_class_option(name, options={}) options[:desc] ||= "Indicates when to generate #{name.to_s.humanize.downcase}" class_option name, options.merge!(:type => :boolean, :default => DEFAULTS[name] || false) end # Overwrite class options help to allow invoked generators options to be # shown when invoking a generator. Only first level options and options # that belongs to the default group are shown. # def self.class_options_help(shell, ungrouped_name=nil, extra_group=nil) klass_options = invocations.each do |name| option = class_options[name] klass_name = option.type == :boolean ? name : option.default next unless klass_name klass = Rails::Generators.find_by_namespace(klass_name, base_name, generator_name) next unless klass human_name = klass_name.to_s.classify klass_options[human_name] ||= [] klass_options[human_name] += do |option| class_options[option.human_name.to_sym].nil? && end end klass_options.merge!(extra_group) if extra_group super(shell, ungrouped_name, klass_options) end # Small macro to add ruby as an option to the generator with proper # default value plus an instance helper method called shebang. # def self.add_shebang_option! require 'rbconfig' default = File.join(Config::CONFIG['bindir'], Config::CONFIG['ruby_install_name']) class_option :ruby, :type => :string, :aliases => "-r", :default => default, :desc => "Path to the Ruby binary of your choice", :banner => "PATH" class_eval <<-METHOD, __FILE__, __LINE__ protected def shebang "#!\#{options[:ruby] || "/usr/bin/env ruby"}" end METHOD end end end end