require 'generators/named_base' require 'active_record' module ActiveRecord module Generators module Migration # Creates a migration template at the given destination. The difference # to the default template method is that the migration number is appended # to the destination file name. # # The migration number, migration file name, migration class name are # available as instance variables in the template to be rendered. # # ==== Examples # # migration_template "migration.rb", "db/migrate/add_foo_to_bar.rb" # def migration_template(source, destination=nil, log_status=true) destination = File.expand_path(destination || source, self.destination_root) migration_dir = File.dirname(destination) @migration_number = next_migration_number(migration_dir) @migration_file_name = File.basename(destination).sub(/\.rb$/, '') @migration_class_name = @migration_file_name.camelize if existing = migration_exists?(migration_dir, @migration_file_name) raise Rails::Generators::Error, "Another migration is already named #{@migration_file_name}: #{existing}" end destination = File.join(migration_dir, "#{@migration_number}_#{@migration_file_name}.rb") template(source, destination, log_status) end protected def migration_exists?(dirname, file_name) #:nodoc: Dir.glob("#{dirname}/[0-9]*_*.rb").grep(/\d+_#{file_name}.rb$/).first end def current_migration_number(dirname) #:nodoc: Dir.glob("#{dirname}/[0-9]*_*.rb").collect{ |f| f.split("_").first.to_i }.max end def next_migration_number(dirname) #:nodoc: if ActiveRecord::Base.timestamped_migrations"%Y%m%d%H%M%S") else "%.3d" % (current_migration_number(dirname) + 1) end end end class Base < Rails::Generators::NamedBase include Migration end end end