module Rails module Generators module Actions # Loads an external file and execute it in the instance binding. # # ==== Parameters # path:: The path to the file to execute. Can be a web address or # a relative path from the source root. # log_status:: if false, does not log the status. True by default. # If a symbol is given, uses it as the output color. # # ==== Examples # # apply "" # # apply "recipes/jquery.rb" # def apply(path, log_status=true) path = File.expand_path(path, source_root) unless path =~ /^http\:\/\// say_status_if_log :applying, path, log_status instance_eval(open(path).read) say_status_if_log :applied, path, log_status end # Install a plugin. You must provide either a Subversion url or Git url. # For a Git-hosted plugin, you can specify if it should be added as a submodule instead of cloned. # # ==== Examples # # plugin 'restful-authentication', :git => 'git://' # plugin 'restful-authentication', :git => 'git://', :submodule => true # plugin 'restful-authentication', :svn => 'svn://' # def plugin(name, options) log 'plugin', name if options[:git] && options[:submodule] in_root do"submodule add #{options[:git]} vendor/plugins/#{name}") end elsif options[:git] || options[:svn] in_root do run_ruby_script("script/plugin install #{options[:svn] || options[:git]}", false) end else log "! no git or svn provided for #{name}. skipping..." end end # Adds an entry into config/environment.rb for the supplied gem : def gem(name, options = {}) log 'gem', name env = options.delete(:env) gems_code = "config.gem '#{name}'" if options.any? opts = options.inject([]) {|result, h| result << [":#{h[0]} => #{h[1].inspect.gsub('"',"'")}"] }.sort.join(", ") gems_code << ", #{opts}" end environment gems_code, :env => env end # Adds a line inside the Initializer block for config/environment.rb. Used by #gem # If options :env is specified, the line is appended to the corresponding # file in config/environments/#{env}.rb def environment(data = nil, options = {}, &block) sentinel = ' do |config|' data = if !data && block_given? in_root do if options[:env].nil? gsub_file 'config/environment.rb', /(#{Regexp.escape(sentinel)})/mi do |match| "#{match}\n " << data end else Array.wrap(options[:env]).each do|env| append_file "config/environments/#{env}.rb", "\n#{data}" end end end end # Run a command in git. # # ==== Examples # # git :init # git :add => "this.file that.rb" # git :add => "onefile.rb", :rm => "badfile.cxx" # def git(command = {}) in_root do if command.is_a?(Symbol) log 'running', "git #{command}" else command.each do |command, options| log 'running', "git #{command} #{options}""#{command} #{options}") end end end end # Create a new file in the vendor/ directory. Code can be specified # in a block or a data string can be given. # # ==== Examples # # vendor("sekrit.rb") do # sekrit_salt = "#{}--#{3.years.ago}--#{rand}--" # "salt = '#{sekrit_salt}'" # end # # vendor("foreign.rb", "# Foreign code is fun") # def vendor(filename, data = nil, &block) log 'vendoring', filename file("vendor/#{filename}", data, false, &block) end # Create a new file in the lib/ directory. Code can be specified # in a block or a data string can be given. # # ==== Examples # # lib("crypto.rb") do # "crypted_special_value = '#{rand}--#{}--#{rand(1337)}--'" # end # # lib("foreign.rb", "# Foreign code is fun") # def lib(filename, data = nil, &block) log 'lib', filename file("lib/#{filename}", data, false, &block) end # Create a new Rakefile with the provided code (either in a block or a string). # # ==== Examples # # rakefile("bootstrap.rake") do # project = ask("What is the UNIX name of your project?") # # <<-TASK # namespace :#{project} do # task :bootstrap do # puts "i like boots!" # end # end # TASK # end # # rakefile("seed.rake", "puts 'im plantin ur seedz'") # def rakefile(filename, data = nil, &block) log 'rakefile', filename file("lib/tasks/#{filename}", data, false, &block) end # Create a new initializer with the provided code (either in a block or a string). # # ==== Examples # # initializer("globals.rb") do # data = "" # # ['MY_WORK', 'ADMINS', 'BEST_COMPANY_EVAR'].each do # data << "#{const} = :entp" # end # # data # end # # initializer("api.rb", "API_KEY = '123456'") # def initializer(filename, data = nil, &block) log 'initializer', filename file("config/initializers/#{filename}", data, false, &block) end # Generate something using a generator from Rails or a plugin. # The second parameter is the argument string that is passed to # the generator or an Array that is joined. # # ==== Example # # generate(:authenticated, "user session") # def generate(what, *args) log 'generating', what argument = {|arg| arg.to_s }.flatten.join(" ") in_root { run_ruby_script("script/generate #{what} #{argument}", false) } end # Runs the supplied rake task # # ==== Example # # rake("db:migrate") # rake("db:migrate", :env => "production") # rake("gems:install", :sudo => true) # def rake(command, options = {}) log 'rake', command env = options[:env] || 'development' sudo = options[:sudo] ? 'sudo ' : '' in_root { run("#{sudo}rake #{command} RAILS_ENV=#{env}", false) } end # Just run the capify command in root # # ==== Example # # capify! # def capify! log 'capifying' in_root { run('capify .', false) } end # Add Rails to /vendor/rails # # ==== Example # # freeze! # def freeze!(args = {}) log 'vendor', 'rails edge' in_root { run('rake rails:freeze:edge', false) } end # Make an entry in Rails routing file conifg/routes.rb # # === Example # # route "map.root :controller => :welcome" # def route(routing_code) log 'route', routing_code sentinel = 'ActionController::Routing::Routes.draw do |map|' in_root do gsub_file 'config/routes.rb', /(#{Regexp.escape(sentinel)})/mi do |match| "#{match}\n #{routing_code}\n" end end end end end end