require 'fileutils' require 'active_record/support/inflector' module Generator class GeneratorError < StandardError; end class Base @@template_root = File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../generators/templates' cattr_accessor :template_root attr_reader :rails_root, :class_name, :file_name, :table_name, :actions, :options def initialize(rails_root, object_name, actions = [], options = {}) @rails_root = rails_root @class_name = Inflector.camelize(object_name) @file_name = Inflector.underscore(@class_name) @table_name = Inflector.pluralize(@file_name) @actions = actions @options = options # Use local templates if rails_root/generators directory exists. local_template_root = File.join(@rails_root, 'generators') if self.class.template_root = local_template_root end end protected # Generate a file in a fresh Rails app from an ERB template. # Takes a template path relative to +template_root+, a # destination path relative to +rails_root+, evaluates the template, # and writes the result to the destination. def generate_file(template_file_path, rails_file_path, eval_binding = nil) # Determine full paths for source and destination files. template_path = File.join(template_root, template_file_path) rails_path = File.join(rails_root, rails_file_path) # Create destination directories. FileUtils.mkdir_p(File.dirname(rails_path)) # Render template and write result. eval_binding ||= binding contents =, nil, '-').result(eval_binding), 'w') { |file| file.write(contents) } end end # Generate controller, helper, functional test, and views. class Controller < Base def generate options[:scaffold] = file_name if options[:scaffold] # Controller class. generate_file "controller.erb", "app/controllers/#{file_name}_controller.rb" # Helper class. generate_file "helper.erb", "app/helpers/#{file_name}_helper.rb" # Function test. generate_file "controller_test.erb", "test/functional/#{file_name}_controller_test.rb" # View template for each action. @actions.each do |action| generate_file "controller_view.rhtml", "app/views/#{file_name}/#{action}.rhtml", binding end end end # Generate model, unit test, and fixtures. class Model < Base def generate # Model class. generate_file "model.erb", "app/models/#{file_name}.rb" # Model unit test. generate_file "model_test.erb", "test/unit/#{file_name}_test.rb" # Test fixtures directory. FileUtils.mkdir_p("test/fixtures/#{table_name}") end end # Generate mailer, helper, functional test, and views. class Mailer < Base def generate # Mailer class. generate_file "mailer.erb", "app/models/#{file_name}.rb" # Mailer unit test. generate_file "mailer_test.erb", "test/unit/#{file_name}_test.rb" # Test fixtures directory. FileUtils.mkdir_p("test/fixtures/#{table_name}") # View template and fixture for each action. @actions.each do |action| generate_file "mailer_action.rhtml", "app/views/#{file_name}/#{action}.rhtml", binding generate_file "mailer_fixture.rhtml", "test/fixtures/#{table_name}/#{action}", binding end end end end