require 'rbconfig' require 'commands/servers/base' unless defined?(Mongrel) puts "PROBLEM: Mongrel is not available on your system (or not in your path)" exit 1 end require 'optparse' OPTIONS = { :port => 3000, :ip => "", :environment => (ENV['RAILS_ENV'] || "development").dup, :detach => false } ARGV.clone.options do |opts| opts.on("-p", "--port=port", Integer, "Runs Rails on the specified port.", "Default: 3000") { |v| OPTIONS[:port] = v } opts.on("-b", "--binding=ip", String, "Binds Rails to the specified ip.", "Default:") { |v| OPTIONS[:ip] = v } opts.on("-d", "--daemon", "Make server run as a Daemon.") { OPTIONS[:detach] = true } opts.on("-e", "--environment=name", String, "Specifies the environment to run this server under (test/development/production).", "Default: development") { |v| OPTIONS[:environment] = v } opts.separator "" opts.on("-h", "--help", "Show this help message.") { puts opts; exit } opts.parse! end puts "=> Rails application starting on http://#{OPTIONS[:ip]}:#{OPTIONS[:port]}" parameters = [ "start", "-p", OPTIONS[:port].to_s, "-a", OPTIONS[:ip].to_s, "-e", OPTIONS[:environment], "-P", "#{RAILS_ROOT}/tmp/pids/" ] if OPTIONS[:detach] `mongrel_rails #{parameters.join(" ")} -d` else ENV["RAILS_ENV"] = OPTIONS[:environment] RAILS_ENV.replace(OPTIONS[:environment]) if defined?(RAILS_ENV) require 'initializer' puts "=> Call with -d to detach" puts "=> Ctrl-C to shutdown server" tail_thread = tail("#{File.expand_path(RAILS_ROOT)}/log/#{RAILS_ENV}.log").cleanpath) trap(:INT) { exit } begin silence_warnings { ARGV = parameters } load("mongrel_rails") ensure tail_thread.kill if tail_thread puts 'Exiting' end end