GENERATOR scaffold - create a model and basic controller SYNOPSIS generate scaffold ModelName [ControllerName] [action ...] DESCRIPTION The scaffold generator takes the name of the new model as the first argument, an optional controller name as the second, and an optional list of controller actions as the subsequent arguments. If the controller name is not specified, the plural form of the model name will be used. Any actions with scaffolding code available will be generated in your controller; others will be left as stubs. The generated controller has the same code that "scaffold :model" uses, so it's easy to migrate when you want to start customizing your controller. EXAMPLE ./script/generate scaffold Account Bank debit credit This will generate the Account model with unit tests and fixtures, the BankController controller with actions, views, and tests for index, list, show, new, create, edit, update, and destroy. Now create the accounts table in your database and browse to http://localhost/bank/ -- voila, you're on Rails!