GENERATOR mailer - create mailer and view stub files SYNOPSIS generate mailer MailerName action [action ...] DESCRIPTION The mailer generator takes the name of the new mailer class as the first argument and a variable number of mail action names as subsequent arguments. Mailer generates a class file in app/models with action methods for each of the mail action names passed, a test suite in test/unit with a stub test case and fixture per action, and template stubs for each action in app/views under a directory with the same name as the class. EXAMPLE ./script/generate mailer Notifications signup forgot_password invoice This will generate a Notifications class in app/models/notifications.rb, a NotificationsTest in test/unit/notifications_test.rb, and signup, forgot_password, and invoice in test/fixture/notification. It will also create signup.rhtml, forgot_password.rhtml, and invoice.rhtml in app/views/notifications. The Notifications class will have the following methods: signup, forgot_password, and invoice.