== Routes == In a standard 'routes.rb' file you use routes like 'map.connect' or 'map.resources'. You can add your own custom routes from a plugin. This section will describe how to add a custom method called that can be called with 'map.yaffles'. Testing routes from plugins is slightly different from testing routes in a standard rails app. To begin, add a test like this: *vendor/plugins/yaffle/test/routing_test.rb* [source, ruby] -------------------------------------------------------- require "#{File.dirname(__FILE__)}/test_helper" class RoutingTest < Test::Unit::TestCase def setup ActionController::Routing::Routes.draw do |map| map.yaffles end end def test_yaffles_route assert_recognition :get, "/yaffles", :controller => "yaffles_controller", :action => "index" end private def assert_recognition(method, path, options) result = ActionController::Routing::Routes.recognize_path(path, :method => method) assert_equal options, result end end -------------------------------------------------------- Once you see the tests fail by running 'rake', you can make them pass with: *vendor/plugins/yaffle/lib/yaffle.rb* [source, ruby] -------------------------------------------------------- require "yaffle/routing" -------------------------------------------------------- *vendor/plugins/yaffle/lib/yaffle/routing.rb* [source, ruby] -------------------------------------------------------- module Yaffle #:nodoc: module Routing #:nodoc: module MapperExtensions def yaffles @set.add_route("/yaffles", {:controller => "yaffles_controller", :action => "index"}) end end end end ActionController::Routing::RouteSet::Mapper.send :include, Yaffle::Routing::MapperExtensions -------------------------------------------------------- *config/routes.rb* [source, ruby] -------------------------------------------------------- ActionController::Routing::Routes.draw do |map| map.yaffles end -------------------------------------------------------- You can also see if your routes work by running `rake routes` from your app directory.