#!/usr/local/bin/ruby require 'drb' # This file includes an experimental gateway CGI implementation. It will work # only on platforms which support both fork and sockets. # # To enable it edit public/.htaccess and replace dispatch.cgi with gateway.cgi. # # Next, create the directory log/drb_gateway and grant the apache user rw access # to said directory. # # On the next request to your server, the gateway tracker should start up, along # with a few listener processes. This setup should provide you with much better # speeds than dispatch.cgi. # # Keep in mind that the first request made to the server will be slow, as the # tracker and listeners will have to load. Also, the tracker and listeners will # shutdown after a period if inactivity. You can set this value below -- the # default is 90 seconds. TrackerSocket = File.expand_path(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '../log/drb_gateway/tracker.sock')) DieAfter = 90 # Seconds Listeners = 3 def message(s) $stderr.puts "gateway.cgi: #{s}" if ENV && ENV["DEBUG_GATEWAY"] end def listener_socket(number) File.expand_path(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "../log/drb_gateway/listener_#{number}.sock")) end unless File.exists? TrackerSocket message "Starting tracker and #{Listeners} listeners" fork do Process.setsid STDIN.reopen "/dev/null" STDOUT.reopen "/dev/null", "a" root = File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/..') message "starting tracker" fork do ARGV.clear ARGV << TrackerSocket << Listeners.to_s << DieAfter.to_s load File.join(root, 'script', 'tracker') end message "starting listeners" require File.join(root, 'config/environment.rb') Listeners.times do |number| fork do ARGV.clear ARGV << listener_socket(number) << DieAfter.to_s load File.join(root, 'script', 'listener') end end end message "waiting for tracker and listener to arise..." ready = false 10.times do sleep 0.5 break if (ready = File.exists?(TrackerSocket) && File.exists?(listener_socket(0))) end if ready message "tracker and listener are ready" else message "Waited 5 seconds, listener and tracker not ready... dropping request" Kernel.exit 1 end end DRb.start_service message "connecting to tracker" tracker = DRbObject.new_with_uri("drbunix:#{TrackerSocket}") input = $stdin.read $stdin.close env = ENV.inspect output = nil tracker.with_listener do |number| message "connecting to listener #{number}" socket = listener_socket(number) listener = DRbObject.new_with_uri("drbunix:#{socket}") output = listener.process(env, input) message "listener #{number} has finished, writing output" end $stdout.write output $stdout.flush $stdout.close