# frozen_string_literal: true require "rake/testtask" task default: :test task :package desc "Run all unit tests" task test: "test:isolated" namespace :test do task :isolated do dash_i = [ "test", "lib", "../activesupport/lib", "../actionpack/lib", "../actionview/lib", "../activemodel/lib" ].map { |dir| File.expand_path(dir, __dir__) } dash_i.reverse_each do |x| $:.unshift(x) unless $:.include?(x) end $-w = true require "bundler/setup" unless defined?(Bundler) require "active_support" failing_files = [] dirs = (ENV["TEST_DIR"] || ENV["TEST_DIRS"] || "**").split(",") test_files = dirs.map { |dir| "test/#{dir}/*_test.rb" } Dir[*test_files].each do |file| next true if file.start_with?("test/fixtures/") fake_command = Shellwords.join([ FileUtils::RUBY, "-w", *dash_i.map { |dir| "-I#{Pathname.new(dir).relative_path_from(Pathname.pwd)}" }, file, ]) puts fake_command # We could run these in parallel, but pretty much all of the # railties tests already run in parallel, so ¯\_(⊙︿⊙)_/¯ Process.waitpid fork { ARGV.clear; load file } unless $?.success? failing_files << file end end unless failing_files.empty? puts puts "Failed in:" failing_files.each do |file| puts " #{file}" end puts raise "Failure in isolated test runner" end end end Rake::TestTask.new("test:regular") do |t| t.libs << "test" << "#{__dir__}/../activesupport/lib" t.pattern = "test/**/*_test.rb" t.warning = false t.verbose = true t.ruby_opts = ["--dev"] if defined?(JRUBY_VERSION) end