* Add `Application#message_verifier` method to return a message verifier. This verifier can be used to generate and verify signed messages in the application. message = Rails.application.message_verifier('salt').generate('my sensible data') Rails.application.message_verifier('salt').verify(message) # => 'my sensible data' It is recommended not to use the same verifier for different things, so you can get different verifiers passing the name argument. message = Rails.application.message_verifier('cookies').generate('my sensible cookie data') See the `ActiveSupport::MessageVerifier` documentation for more information. *Rafael Mendonça França* * The [Spring application preloader](https://github.com/jonleighton/spring) is now installed by default for new applications. It uses the development group of the Gemfile, so will not be installed in production. *Jon Leighton* * Uses .railsrc while creating new plugin if it is available. Fixes #10700. *Prathamesh Sonpatki* * Remove turbolinks when generating a new application based on a template that skips it. Example: Skips turbolinks adding `add_gem_entry_filter { |gem| gem.name != "turbolinks" }` to the template. *Lauro Caetano* * Instrument an `load_config_initializer.railties` event on each load of configuration initializer from `config/initializers`. Subscribers should be attached before `load_config_initializers` initializer completed. Registering subscriber examples: # config/application.rb module RailsApp class Application < Rails::Application ActiveSupport::Notifications.subscribe('load_config_initializer.railties') do |*args| event = ActiveSupport::Notifications::Event.new(*args) puts "Loaded initializer #{event.payload[:initializer]} (#{event.duration}ms)" end end end # my_engine/lib/my_engine/engine.rb module MyEngine class Engine < ::Rails::Engine config.before_initialize do ActiveSupport::Notifications.subscribe('load_config_initializer.railties') do |*args| event = ActiveSupport::Notifications::Event.new(*args) puts "Loaded initializer #{event.payload[:initializer]} (#{event.duration}ms)" end end end end *Paul Nikitochkin* * Support for Pathnames in eager load paths. *Mike Pack* * Fixed missing line and shadow on service pages(404, 422, 500). *Dmitry Korotkov* * `BACKTRACE` environment variable to show unfiltered backtraces for test failures. Example: $ BACKTRACE=1 ruby -Itest ... # or with rake $ BACKTRACE=1 bin/rake *Yves Senn* * Removal of all javascript stuff (gems and files) when generating a new application using the `--skip-javascript` option. *Robin Dupret* * Make the application name snake cased when it contains spaces The application name is used to fill the `database.yml` and `session_store.rb` files ; previously, if the provided name contained whitespaces, it led to unexpected names in these files. *Robin Dupret* * Added `--model-name` option to `ScaffoldControllerGenerator`. *yalab* * Expose MiddlewareStack#unshift to environment configuration. *Ben Pickles* * `rails server` will only extend the logger to output to STDOUT in development environment. *Richard Schneeman* * Don't require passing path to app before options in `rails new` and `rails plugin new` *Piotr Sarnacki* * rake notes now searches *.less files *Josh Crowder* * Generate nested route for namespaced controller generated using `rails g controller`. Fixes #11532. Example: rails g controller admin/dashboard index # Before: get "dashboard/index" # After: namespace :admin do get "dashboard/index" end *Prathamesh Sonpatki* * Fix the event name of action_dispatch requests. *Rafael Mendonça França* * Make `config.log_level` work with custom loggers. *Max Shytikov* * Changed stylesheet load order in the stylesheet manifest generator. Fixes #11639. *Pawel Janiak* * Added generated unit test for generator generator using new `test:generators` rake task. *Josef Šimánek* * Removed `update:application_controller` rake task. *Josef Šimánek* * Fix `rake environment` to do not eager load modules *Paul Nikitochkin* * Fix `rake notes` to look into `*.sass` files *Yuri Artemev* * Removed deprecated `Rails.application.railties.engines`. *Arun Agrawal* * Removed deprecated threadsafe! from Rails Config. *Paul Nikitochkin* * Remove deprecated `ActiveRecord::Generators::ActiveModel#update_attributes` in favor of `ActiveRecord::Generators::ActiveModel#update` *Vipul A M* * Remove deprecated `config.whiny_nils` option *Vipul A M* * Rename `commands/plugin_new.rb` to `commands/plugin.rb` and fix references *Richard Schneeman* * Fix `rails plugin --help` command. *Richard Schneeman* * Omit turbolinks configuration completely on skip_javascript generator option. *Nikita Fedyashev* * Removed deprecated rake tasks for running tests: `rake test:uncommitted` and `rake test:recent`. *John Wang* * Clearing autoloaded constants triggers routes reloading. Fixes #10685. *Xavier Noria* * Fixes bug with scaffold generator with `--assets=false --resource-route=false`. Fixes #9525. *Arun Agrawal* * Rails::Railtie no longer forces the Rails::Configurable module on everything that subclasses it. Instead, the methods from Rails::Configurable have been moved to class methods in Railtie and the Railtie has been made abstract. *John Wang* * Changes repetitive th tags to use colspan attribute in `index.html.erb` template. *Sıtkı Bağdat* Please check [4-0-stable](https://github.com/rails/rails/blob/4-0-stable/railties/CHANGELOG.md) for previous changes.