*   Rename `commands/plugin_new.rb` to `commands/plugin.rb` and fix references

    *Richard Schneeman*

*   Fix `rails plugin --help` command.

    *Richard Schneeman*

*   Omit turbolinks configuration completely on skip_javascript generator option.

    *Nikita Fedyashev*

*   Removed deprecated rake tasks for running tests: `rake test:uncommitted` and
    `rake test:recent`.

    *John Wang*

*   Clearing autoloaded constants triggers routes reloading [Fixes #10685].

    *Xavier Noria*

*   Fixes bug with scaffold generator with `--assets=false --resource-route=false`.
    Fixes #9525.

    *Arun Agrawal*

*   Rails::Railtie no longer forces the Rails::Configurable module on everything
    that subclasses it. Instead, the methods from Rails::Configurable have been
    moved to class methods in Railtie and the Railtie has been made abstract.

    *John Wang*

*   Changes repetitive th tags to use colspan attribute in `index.html.erb` template.

    *Sıtkı Bağdat*

Please check [4-0-stable](https://github.com/rails/rails/blob/4-0-stable/railties/CHANGELOG.md) for previous changes.