# frozen_string_literal: true namespace :action_mailbox do namespace :ingress do desc "Pipe an inbound email from STDIN to the Postfix ingress at the given URL" task :postfix do require "active_support" require "active_support/core_ext/object/blank" require "http" url, password = ENV.values_at("URL", "INGRESS_PASSWORD") if url.blank? || password.blank? abort "4.3.5 URL and INGRESS_PASSWORD are required" end begin response = HTTP.basic_auth(user: "actionmailbox", pass: password) .timeout(connect: 1, write: 10, read: 10) .post(url, headers: { "Content-Type" => "message/rfc822", "User-Agent" => ENV.fetch("USER_AGENT", "Postfix") }, body: STDIN) case when response.status.success? puts "2.0.0 HTTP #{response.status}" when response.status.unauthorized? abort "4.7.0 HTTP #{response.status}" when response.status.unsupported_media_type? abort "5.6.1 HTTP #{response.status}" else abort "4.0.0 HTTP #{response.status}" end rescue HTTP::ConnectionError => error abort "4.4.2 Error connecting to the Postfix ingress: #{error.message}" rescue HTTP::TimeoutError abort "4.4.7 Timed out piping to the Postfix ingress" end end end end