#= require_self #= require_tree . class @Cable MAX_CONNECTION_INTERVAL: 5 * 1000 PING_STALE_INTERVAL: 6 constructor: (@cableUrl) -> @subscribers = {} @resetPingTime() @resetConnectionAttemptsCount() @connect() connect: -> @connection = @createConnection() createConnection: -> connection = new WebSocket(@cableUrl) connection.onmessage = @receiveData connection.onopen = @connected connection.onclose = @reconnect connection.onerror = @reconnect connection isConnected: => @connection?.readyState is 1 sendData: (identifier, data) => if @isConnected() @connection.send JSON.stringify { action: 'message', identifier: identifier, data: data } receiveData: (message) => data = JSON.parse message.data if data.identifier is '_ping' @pingReceived(data.message) else @subscribers[data.identifier]?.onReceiveData(data.message) connected: => @startWaitingForPing() @resetConnectionAttemptsCount() for identifier, callbacks of @subscribers @subscribeOnServer(identifier) callbacks['onConnect']?() reconnect: => @removeExistingConnection() @clearPingWaitTimeout() @resetPingTime() @disconnected() setTimeout => @incrementConnectionAttemptsCount() @connect() , @generateReconnectInterval() removeExistingConnection: => if @connection? @connection.onclose = -> # no-op @connection.onerror = -> # no-op @connection.close() @connection = null resetConnectionAttemptsCount: => @connectionAttempts = 1 incrementConnectionAttemptsCount: => @connectionAttempts += 1 generateReconnectInterval: () -> interval = (Math.pow(2, @connectionAttempts) - 1) * 1000 if interval > @MAX_CONNECTION_INTERVAL then @MAX_CONNECTION_INTERVAL else interval startWaitingForPing: => @clearPingWaitTimeout() @waitForPingTimeout = setTimeout => console.log "Ping took too long to arrive. Reconnecting.." @connection?.close() , @PING_STALE_INTERVAL * 1000 clearPingWaitTimeout: => clearTimeout(@waitForPingTimeout) resetPingTime: => @lastPingTime = null disconnected: => callbacks['onDisconnect']?() for identifier, callbacks of @subscribers giveUp: => # Show an error message subscribe: (identifier, callbacks) => @subscribers[identifier] = callbacks if @isConnected() @subscribeOnServer(identifier) @subscribers[identifier]['onConnect']?() unsubscribe: (identifier) => @unsubscribeOnServer(identifier, 'unsubscribe') delete @subscribers[identifier] subscribeOnServer: (identifier) => if @isConnected() @connection.send JSON.stringify { action: 'subscribe', identifier: identifier } unsubscribeOnServer: (identifier) => if @isConnected() @connection.send JSON.stringify { action: 'unsubscribe', identifier: identifier } pingReceived: (timestamp) => if @lastPingTime? and (timestamp - @lastPingTime) > @PING_STALE_INTERVAL console.log "Websocket connection is stale. Reconnecting.." @reconnect() else @startWaitingForPing() @lastPingTime = timestamp