module Arel class Table include Arel::Crud include Arel::FactoryMethods @engine = nil class << self; attr_accessor :engine; end attr_accessor :name, :engine, :aliases, :table_alias # TableAlias and Table both have a #table_name which is the name of the underlying table alias :table_name :name def initialize name, engine = Table.engine @name = name.to_s @engine = engine @columns = nil @aliases = [] @table_alias = nil @primary_key = nil if Hash === engine @engine = engine[:engine] || Table.engine # Sometime AR sends an :as parameter to table, to let the table know # that it is an Alias. We may want to override new, and return a # TableAlias node? @table_alias = engine[:as] unless engine[:as].to_s == @name end end def primary_key if $VERBOSE warn <<-eowarn primary_key (#{caller.first}) is deprecated and will be removed in Arel 4.0.0 eowarn end @primary_key ||= begin primary_key_name = @engine.connection.primary_key(name) # some tables might be without primary key primary_key_name && self[primary_key_name] end end def alias name = "#{}_2", name).tap do |node| @aliases << node end end def from table, table) end def join relation, klass = Nodes::InnerJoin return from(self) unless relation case relation when String, Nodes::SqlLiteral raise if relation.blank? klass = Nodes::StringJoin end from(self).join(relation, klass) end def group *columns from(self).group(*columns) end def order *expr from(self).order(*expr) end def where condition from(self).where condition end def project *things from(self).project(*things) end def take amount from(self).take amount end def skip amount from(self).skip amount end def having expr from(self).having expr end def [] name self, name end def select_manager end def insert_manager end def hash # Perf note: aliases, table alias and engine is excluded from the hash # aliases can have a loop back to this table breaking hashes in parent # relations, for the vast majority of cases @name is unique to a query @name.hash end def eql? other self.class == other.class && == && self.engine == other.engine && self.aliases == other.aliases && self.table_alias == other.table_alias end alias :== :eql? private def attributes_for columns return nil unless columns do |column| Attributes.for(column).new self, end end end end